Chapter 116: Talking with Ostusi

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"But first I need to find Ostusi," Aurianna remarked as she pondered on how to get in contact with him.

"I can help with that," Eva offered.

"You've found him?" Aurianna inquired.

"Of course! Just say out loud, 'I know you're here!' and mention the demon's name! I'm confident that he'll show up," Eva stated with a thumbs up.

"I know you're here demon General Ostusi," Aurianna stated calmly, causing a nearby tiny doll walking through her room to twitch before it looked at her and abruptly vanished.

After some time without any response to her previous two statements, Aurianna reiterated, "You refuse to appear? You are aware that I am aware of your intentions, demon General Ostusi. You aspire to release the demons enslaved in Sandeph. For this purpose, you infiltrated the castle in hopes of acquiring additional information."

The room fell into sudden silence, prompting an anxious gulp from Aurianna as she noticed thin threads poised near her neck.

"How do you know me child?" resonated a deep, masculine voice.

As Aurianna looked up, she saw a tall man with gray skin and short orange hair, featuring two lengthy side bangs, stood before Aurianna. His distinctive eyes, one orange and the other blue, illuminated his black sclera. With a muscular physique, he sported casual attire that left his chest exposed.

"Watch your words or I'll slice that neck of yours," Ostusi threatened, his gaze cold and firm.

Aurianna chuckled softly, "I'd advise against such action, dear Mr. Ostusi. You wouldn't want your strategy to crumble, would you?" With a touch to the thread encircling her neck, it dissipated.

"Threatening me? Quite the show of arrogance, isn't it? I could end your life before you blink," Ostusi retorted, his gaze icy.

"Consider your words carefully and apply some common sense. Killing me would not only spark chaos in Sandeph, but it would also capture the attention of King Girsal. You'd find yourself headless before you know it. Moreover, I have faith in my guardian's ability to shield me," Aurianna declared with a wicked grin, her gaze fixed on Ostusi.

'Where's this guardian she's talking about?' Ostusi wondered, scanning the room for clues but finding none. 'I didn't sense any presence earlier. Is she bluffing? And why do her knights seem so odd? Has no one here truly detected even a hint of my presence? They haven't made any effort to check or confirm.'

Surveying the room once again, Ostusi gradually eased his tension. But suddenly, he was engulfed by an intense pressure he couldn't attribute to anyone in sight. Overwhelmed, he slumped to the ground, his pupils dilating and his body trembling with fear.

'This pressure is stifling,' he thought, 'It's akin to standing before death!' Ostusi's gaze fixed on Aurianna, seated on her bed, her eyes including a golden hue.

Abruptly, a blurred, dark image of a woman materialized behind Aurianna. Nervously, Ostusi observed the indistinct, shadowy figure that appeared to be amused.

"No need for hostility, I am on your side. Vatium sent me to speak with you," Aurianna explained.

"How can I trust you?" Ostusi questioned, his uncertainty evident.

"Is this sufficient evidence?" Aurianna asked, presenting her palm. In an instant, an image of a green snake coiled around a black pole materialized on her hand, lingering briefly before vanishing.

Aurianna recalled Vatium's advice from her departure on the orc express carriage. Helua's magical creation, the snake tattoo, would appear on her hand temporarily. "Display this to Ostusi, and he'll listen to your words," Vatium had instructed.

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