Chapter 8: A Choice

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Perched upon her bed, Aurianna fixated her gaze on the ceiling until slumber claimed her. As the sun breathed new life into the day, an elegant dinner invitation graced her presence. Curiously enough, she maintained a steadfast silence throughout the entire soirée. As the final course was served and conversations concluded, she retreated directly to her room, mirroring her post-breakfast routine earlier that day.

Lost in a labyrinth of thoughts, Aurianna delved deep into the recesses of her mind, reflecting upon the myriad revelations bestowed upon her by Azarath. One aspect, in particular, gripped her mind—the premature demise of the Saintesses, destined to depart this world at tender ages.


'Now that I think about it,' Aurianna ruminated, a realization dawning upon her. 'I never actually took the time to investigate the history of the previous Saintesses before their untimely demise. Is being the Saintess truly a divine blessing, or does it bear the markings of a curse, as they so vehemently claimed?' Her thoughts meandered through the perplexing maze of possibilities.

Compelled by a yearning for fresh air, she gracefully stepped outside the confines of her petite abode, craving the soothing embrace of nature. However, instead of finding solace in a serene walk amidst the wonders of the natural world, she directed her path towards a nearby tree. A surge of frustration surged within her, leading her to unleash a series of punches upon the innocent tree, leaves scattered asunder. She then ripped grass from the ground with fervor as she vented her anger.

"How in the world could Father allow Wein and let her erase my memories? And to make the situation worse, he shielded that detestable excuse of a brother! And those so-called heroes—just who do they think they are, audaciously attempting to lay a finger on me? Such insolence in the presence of the esteemed princess of Sandeph! The audacity!" Aurianna's voice boomed as her frustration found expression in her passionate outcry.

Since that fateful encounter with Kent, Aurianna noticed a gradual resurfacing of her fragmented memories. Initially, she dismissed her father's claims as mere confusion, but now the truth became painfully apparent—her father had deliberately concealed crucial information from her. And, to her dismay, her beloved sister Wein was entangled in this web of secrecy.

"I should have known better than to summon those so-called heroes. Their brutish ways are utterly uncivilized!" Aurianna muttered, frustration seeping into her voice.

"Why is all of this happening?" she questioned, a sense of desperation tugging at her heartstrings.

"Oh, Goddess of Beauty, why have I lost my sacred Saintess powers? I faithfully fulfilled every task bestowed upon me. Why, then, am I stripped of my divine connection?" Aurianna pleaded, her gaze searching the skies above, only to find her view obscured by a canopy of trees.

"Please, reveal to me the reasons behind this plight!" Tears welled up in her eyes, trickling down her cheeks.

The gravity of the situation was truly unfathomable. Those whom she once considered friends had revealed their true colors. Recalling Azarath's words, Aurianna's mind unearthed a series of memories, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Those peculiar glances she had received from people throughout her life suddenly took on a sinister hue. What she had once perceived as admiring gazes now bore a much darker significance.

They weren't looks of admiration; they were tainted with greed, envy, jealousy, possessiveness, and even lust. Each stare seemed to carry a hidden agenda, as if the people around her were plotting when to exploit, harm, or humiliate her. Many had sought her company merely for her physical beauty, and Aurianna could now discern that they regarded her more as a nuisance than a valued ally. Others saw her as nothing more than a pretty doll, existing solely to garner attention and adoration from the masses.

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