Chapter 25: Meeting Blade

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Once Eva concluded her conversation with Aurianna, a group of maids gracefully entered the room, attending to Aurianna's needs. They meticulously freshened her up and elegantly dressed her before guiding her towards the dining room, where a delightful breakfast awaited her.

A sudden interruption broke the tranquility as a maid approached Aurianna with a respectful bow. "Princess, please allow me to introduce Princess Blade, who has come to see you," she announced with a hint of formality.

'I wonder what Blade is doing here,' Aurianna thought before her eyes became cold.

"I'm wondering who was the idiot to name their child Blade," Eva commented.

Feeling intrigued, Aurianna motioned for the maid to invite Blade inside. The door swung open, revealing a teenage girl in her early teens. Her cascading, straight blonde hair flowed down to her thighs, framing a pair of piercing green eyes. Her radiant cream-colored skin glistened beautifully in the sunlight. Blade was dressed in a black, long-sleeved shirt with a turtle-neck, accompanied by black shorts and matching heels.

Aurianna greeted Blade with a serene smile, her voice laced with warmth. "Sister Blade, it's delightful to see you. What brings you here today?" Her words carried an air of innocence and angelic charm.

Blade responded with a smile of her own, but she couldn't shake off the chill it sent down her spine seeing Aurianna's smile. There was something unsettling about that smile, something insincere and shrouded in hidden motives.

'That was obviously a lie. She probably came to check my soul, since the maids as observant as they are have noticed my change in attitude.' Aurianna thought.

Eva's voice echoed in Aurianna's mind, expressing her curiosity. "Is that really possible?"

Aurianna responded internally, recounting her encounters with demons and their ability to possess others. "Yes, it is. During the battle with the demons, some of them possessed human bodies. However, thanks to Blade's presence, we easily identified and exposed the demon spies."

Blade, noticing Aurianna's silence, grew concerned. "You've been quiet for a while. Is everything alright?" she asked, her expression filled with genuine care.

Aurianna quickly composed herself, putting on a playful tone. "Oh, dear big sister Blade, I was just at a loss for words. After all, it's not often that you pay me a visit," she giggled.

Blade smiled warmly, understanding Aurianna's sentiment. "Ah, I see. I should make more of an effort then," she replied, her smile genuine.

Blade's thoughts wandered, finding Aurianna's behavior perplexing. 'She's certainly not possessed and seems unchanged. However, it's rather unusual to hear someone as young as Aurianna speak so casually about taking a life without hesitation. Father wouldn't concern himself with such trivial matters. But her sudden presence here unsettles me,' Blade mused, her gaze fixed on Aurianna's adorable smile as she let out a sigh. 'If the maid hadn't informed me, it would be hard to believe that my step-sister would do such a thing!'

Breaking the lighthearted exchange, Blade addressed Aurianna, broaching a delicate topic. "Aurianna, I've heard rumors about your recent behavior," she stated.

Curiosity piqued, Aurianna inquired, "Are you referring to the fact that I've stopped engaging in childish games?"

Blade smiled, her expression indicating there was more to discuss. "No, that's not what I meant," she clarified.

Perplexed, Aurianna pressed on. "Then what exactly do you mean?"

Blade's smile wavered slightly as she approached the matter with caution. "Well, there have been murmurs suggesting that you've become quite violent recently."

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