Chapter 114: Deal 1

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"No worries, I've got it all sorted out. But hey, if you're skeptical, go ahead and double-check for yourself," Aurianna said, flashing a reassuring smile. Helua nervously nodded.

Helua's hand trembled as she conjured a glowing red light that enveloped Aurianna. After a few tense minutes, the crimson radiance faded away. "No need to fear, the mark is inactive," Helua confirmed, prompting a collective sigh of relief from the room's assembled orcs and goblins.

"Apologies for not fully trusting you, Princess," Helua admitted, her voice tinged with unease. "We've had our fair share of betrayal cases in the past, so we've learned to be cautious—especially when dealing with humans," she added, bowing slightly before locking eyes with Aurianna, who returned her warm gaze.

"Don't blame yourself one bit. In your shoes, I'd probably do the same and even resort to extreme measures," Aurianna remarked, her tone cold that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

At that moment, Mike stepped forward, offering a slight bow and a friendly smile. His demeanor exuded respect, making it evident that he was someone important. Speaking with a silky smooth voice, he addressed the princess, "Princess Aurianna, it would be my utmost pleasure to escort you to the cozy couch. Wouldn't want you to keep standing, right?" Mike suggested, and Aurianna nodded in agreement.

However, she couldn't help but notice a peculiar change in Mike: his sclera had turned as black as a demon's. Yet, Aurianna decided not to question this transformation and simply followed him.

Mike turned slightly, gesturing towards a magnificent couch situated at the heart of the room. It was a true masterpiece of craftsmanship, boasting plush golden velvet upholstery and intricately carved wooden legs. Aurianna wasted no time and settled herself onto the couch, which seemed to welcome her with open arms. The cushions yielded beneath her weight, cocooning her in a cloud of luxurious softness. With a subtle wave of his hand, Mike signaled the attendants to bring forth a gleaming silver tray adorned with an array of mouthwatering delicacies.

The hobgoblin attendants approached, each presenting the meticulously selected delicacies with utmost care and artistry. As Aurianna reached out to grab a pastry with her greasy hand, Mike swiftly smacked it away and gave her a pointed look.

"Princess, did you forget that you were eating meat just a few moments ago?" he asked, his words dawning on Aurianna with sudden realization.

In an instant, a gentle, light blue aura enveloped Aurianna's hand, forming a ball of water that effortlessly cleansed her hands until they were impeccably neat and tidy. Not a trace of oil or dirt remained. She then summoned a flicker of fire, turning the water into a wisp of steam, and fixed her piercing gaze upon Mike.

"You can enjoy the macaroons now, princess," Mike said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Aurianna wasted no time and eagerly devoured three of them in one go. As she chewed, a satisfied smile spread across her face, acknowledging just how delectable they tasted.

Witnessing her joyful expression, everyone in the room couldn't help but let their guard down momentarily. However, the realization of whom they were dealing with swiftly brought them back to a state of tension.

At that moment, Mike handed Aurianna a small, adorable one-eyed ball. She eyed it skeptically and asked, "A video Meimu?" Mike nodded in response, confirming her question. Without hesitation, she pressed its back, causing it to soar into the air and display a screen before them.

On the screen was a person who looked like a new adult around 18. He had beauful brown that gleamed like the dark brown leaves in autumn under the sun. he also had longgreen hair cascading down the sides of his his. His beautiful green eyes shimmered like emralds and he wore a luxurious white suit.

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