Chapter 32: Operation Death of the Pervert 3. { A Hero's disgusting achievements

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As Aurianna stepped into the room, her face turned as pale as a ghost. What lay before her was a chilling sight—dead bodies hanging from the ceiling like macabre decorations, swaying eerily. Blood and guts splattered all over the floor. It was like a horror play came to life, and she couldn't help but feel horrified.

As she cautiously moved forward, her heart sank even further when she noticed the heads of children lined up on a shelf, their expressions frozen in terror. It was heart-wrenching to think that none of them seemed to have found peace in their final moments.

As she continued, her ears caught the faint sound of weeping, the pained cries of a child. Intrigued and filled with fear, she mustered her courage and walked towards a massive cage where the sound was coming from. However, before she could get a good look inside, a monstrous creature lunged at her, slashing the cage with its claws, which sent a jolt of electricity through its body, causing it to run back inside the cage away from the bars.

It was a close call, and she almost jumped out of her skin, but she managed to stay composed. After all, she had faced scarier monsters before, but this one was something else entirely.

This grotesque creature had a round face adorned with multiple eyes that seemed to be part of its very being. Its four long hands had razor-sharp claws protruded from its body, strangely reminiscent of human limbs. The creature's eyes were hauntingly human as well. The whole creature was pitch-black, and its lower body was composed of a viscous, black slime that oozed ominously.

As the monster shrunk back, it cried out, revealing its vulnerability, "I want to go home."

In a nearby cage, another creature echoed a cry, "I want my mummy!"

The one that had initially spoken continued, "Please stop the pain," taking hesitant steps toward the front of the cage, locking its round, green eyes with Aurianna's gaze.

As Aurianna walked deeper into the room and surveyed the scene, she couldn't believe her eyes. More than thirty cages lined the room, each containing a tormented monster like the one she had encountered earlier. What she noticed the most was the similarity they all shared—their cries for their mothers or fathers, and their pleas, "PLEASE STOP THE PAIN!"

She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, "I pray, to the god of peace, that you may find rest and an easy passage through the cycle of reincarnation, hurut."

When she finished her prayer, Aurianna knew she had to end their suffering. With a cold look in her eyes, she raised her hands and summoned numerous guns around her and they begun to shoot at the monsters. Surprisingly, there were no dying screams, only silent gratitude murmured by each creature, "Thank you."

[ You have killed thirty-four level 45 black playtime. You have received 132,600 exp.]

As she walked back from where she came, her heart heavy with what she had witnessed, but something caught her eye—a peculiar book sitting on a table stained with blood. The title, "Black Playtime" by Hero Ross, gave her an eerie feeling, but her curiosity got the better of her. She opened the book hastily and skimmed through its pages. What she saw horrified her even more—gruesome images depicting the dismemberment of children and the use of chemicals to create these monsters.

'I don't have time to read yet,' Aurianna thought as she carefully placed it in her inventory.

Turning her attention to Eva, Aurianna shared her somber realization. "In my past life, I've encountered good humans and other races as well as some who were undeniably evil and destructive. But one thing that seems sadly common among them all is their cruelty towards slaves and each other. Humans would enslave other races, so other races would also enslave humans and other beings too. It's like a vicious cycle of enslavement and brutality, where one act of mistreatment sparks more suffering in return." Despite her cold expression there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

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