Chapter 118: Underground city 1

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"Those bastards," Ostusi muttered through clenched teeth, his fingers conjuring delicate strands of thread.

Aurianna turned to him, her voice measured, "Maintain control over your emotions. We must not expose ourselves."

"Don't you see how they are casually talking about other people's lives. The body parts of races being switched with theirs, I don't even know how that is even possible," Ostusi seethed, his frustration palpable.

"And what would change when you get angry ?" Aurianna inquired, her gaze shifting toward him.

"How can you be so nonchalant about this?" Ostusi asked, intrigued by her demeanor.

"Because I see no reason to care about their lives. If I'm right, they were probably warned to leave their homes by Vatium but they chose not to listen right?" Aurianna stated, a hint of deranged amusement in her smile, followed by a slight chuckle.

Ostusi glared at her, but taking her words into consideration he couldn't help but agree with her. "That's true, but how did you know?"

"Just a guess actually," Aurianna shrugged, "So then there's no one to blame other than themselves. And instead of rebelling and fighting for their freedom they cower in fear and wait to be slaughtered like animals," Aurianna scowled as she pointed at him.

"In these circumstances, how could you expect them to rebel? Could you have done so yourself?" Ostusi's tone turned chilly as he tightened his grip on her hand.

In an instant, a memory of Aurianna's past life, confined in a dark cell, flashed across her mind. Despite her kicks, cries, and screams, her lack of strength left her powerless. She roughly hit Ostusi's hand from hers and pivoted, resuming her stride behind the knights.

"If I were in that situation, and I possessed the strength, I'd make sure to break a few necks before becoming an experiment or meeting my end," Aurianna's voice had a chilling undertone, though Ostusi couldn't perceive her expression. "Never again would I lay down and wait for death. I would never rely on someone else to save me! I'd refuse to be a pawn again! I'll never be used again! I'll never let myself be deceived by others! Never again, never again, never again!!" she recited as she agressively bit her nails.

Ostusi's confusion showed on his face as he asked, "What do you mean?"

She immediately turned her face cocking her head backwards as she looking at him for a brief moment and stated, "No more questions in this topic, okay?"

"Of course," Ostusi agreed with a nervous nod. They resumed walking, following the knights.

'Why do her eyes seem so lifeless?' Ostusi pondered, recalling the vacant look in her blue eyes.

After a while of walking through the long hallways with numerous doors, they finally reached a large grey door being guarded by several knights. On the door was a symbol of a green gem with three swords stabbed into it. What's more magic circles were spiralling across it's surface. Video meimus could also be seen hovering around the door, meticulously recording every single movement happening in the halls.

"We're the slave management knights, reporting for duty!" The knights Aurianna and Ostusi were trailing declared in unison as they stamped their feet and saluted the guards in front of the door.

A burly figure, towering over six feet and clad in platinum armor, strode forward with a grin. He swung his broadsword casually, as if it were a toy. "Good of you ten to show up," he greeted, his voice genial. "These past days have seen an increase of slaves being brought in, and controlling them has become quite a challenge."

"Don't worry, we're up for the task!" Fp 534 exclaimed with determination.

"If you say so," the platinum knight shrugged, his expression suddenly turning cold. "Your superiors might keep you safe, but let me offer a piece of advice. Avoid any confrontation or clashes with the slaves in hall 5."

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