Chapter 135: Trial

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Aurianna entered the grand ballroom, where a sea of nobles had gathered from all corners of the High Land. It was impossible not to notice her due to her distinct white hair as she strolled in. The ballroom was filled with the scent of delicious food and expensive perfume, but an uncomfortable tension hung in the air. Aurianna couldn't help but notice the wary glances that met her entrance. However, a simple, innocent smile on her part worked wonders, softening their hearts and reducing their hostile gazes.

Yui, with a mouthful of food, asked "Princess, would you be fine?" Aurianna was momentarily taken aback by this rather impolite gesture and gave Yui a kick on the leg, snapping, "Stop talking with your mouth full. It's irritating."

Yui, her cheeks stuffed with food, mumbled, "Please come back safely, princess. I believe in you, no matter what!" She hastily stashed her apron with food.

Aurianna couldn't help but think, 'This girl seems more concerned about her gathering as much food than me,' She sighed before raising an eyebrow and inquiring, "Alright, tell me why."

"Because you're otherworldly cute! And you give me lots of money!" Yui's eyes sparkled with delight.

'This girl's certainly honest,' Aurianna mused, considering her coldly. 'Maybe I went too far trying to charm her. She can be quite annoying; I should get rid of her.'

Noticing the eyes Aurianna gave her, Yui immediately acted on impulse. "Princess, please spare me!" Yui wailed as she slid to the floor and clung to Aurianna's legs.

All eyes turned to Aurianna and her personal maid. She couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. "Fine, fine. Take all the food you want and scram!" Aurianna shouted, and Yui eagerly let go of her leg, grabbed some food and placed in it her apron, and ran away. 'That girl only knows how to give me headaches,' she sighed as she noticed alot of people staring at her.

Aurianna addressed the onlookers with a passive-aggressive smile that, although cute, made them uncomfortable. "What are you staring at?" Hearing her words prompted them to avert their gaze.

"Princess, this way," two knights in gleaming platinum armor instructed. Aurianna nodded and followed them to the front of the ballroom, where her father and mother sat. Duke Huns occupied a seat by their side, his gaze fixed on her, and a group of nobles sat behind her.

"Princess, please have a seat over there," one of the knights indicated the chair across from Duke Huns. Aurianna sat down and couldn't resist flashing a mocking smile at him, causing him to clench his fists.

"Aurianna, I trust you understand why you're here?" Advisor Chu inquired, his piercing purple eyes peering at her through his glasses. He stood beside King Girsal, clutching a stone tablet.

"I'm in the dark about it, to be honest," Aurianna nonchalantly shrugged. "Care to enlighten me?"

Chu's voice resonated through the hall as he declared, "You'll know once we commence. But first, everyone present here must swear the oath of truth!" Everyone in the room, including Aurianna, promptly stood up.

As the room fell silent, everyone began reciting the oath, "As we've gathered here today, we promise to speak nothing but the truth, and may the goddess of beauty watch over this trial." Once the brief oath concluded, they all took their seats.

Advisor Chu's fingers danced across his tablet, and he calmly fixed his gaze on Aurianna. "Aurianna Vanluad, you're here before us today facing accusations brought against you."

"And what might those be, Advisor Chu?" Aurianna inquired, her tone casual.

"One of those accusations is the murder of Russell Huns," Chu claimed. "Is that true?" he asked.

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