Chapter 132: Tea Party 4

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"A lowly Duke's daughter dares to show hostility towards me," Aurianna remarked with a sly grin, her gaze icy as she fixed it on Russel. She intentionally planted her heel firmly on Russel's foot, exerting pressure causing her foot bone to break slowly. Intense pain shit through Russel which elicited a pained cry from her. Russel crumpled to the ground, clutching her throbbing foot.

"You're hurting me!" Russel exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

Aurianna chuckled softly. "We're just getting started, dear."

Russel threatened despite her voice quivering as tears welled up in her bloodshot eyes. "Touch me again, and you'll regret it. I'll make you pay, I'll make sure you're dead!!"

Aurianna scoffed, her voice dripping with mockery. "Oh you'll kill me? A princess of Sandeph?! Someone with the highest position after a Duke? Someone has to teach you about a word called humility!" With a swift and brutal stomp, she crushed Russel's bone, twisting her leg in a grotesque manner which sent waves of excruciating pain coursing through her.

"Arrghh!!!" Russel's anguished cries pierced the air. Desperate, she called for help. "Knights! Knights!"

Aurianna remained unfazed. "You'll regret it when my knights arrive," Russel spat through clenched teeth.

A sinister smile played across Aurianna's lips. "Well, I've got plenty of time left," she replied.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Russel screamed, but Aurianna ignored her pleas and proceeded to crush her other leg slowly as well.

Russel's piercing screams sent shivers down the spines of the other girls who watched Aurianna. Fear paralyzing their bodies due to the gruesome scene unfolding before them.

"It's true what they say," Lavender muttered under her breath, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "Princess Aurianna is as cruel and petty as the rumors suggest."

Russel's cries for mercy went unanswered as Aurianna ruthlessly shattered her other leg completely. The gut-wrenching screams echoed.

"I said stop, please, stop!" Russel begged, unable to bear the excruciating pain any longer.

'Why? Why aren't my knights coming here?' Russel's desperate thoughts raced through her mind, not knowing that Aurianna had asked Eva to cast a spell were as their voices couldn't be heard outside the garden.

Aurianna however delivered a vicious slap to Russel's face, the impact causing her to lose some teeth and leaving her face bloodied. As Aurianna's cold stare bore into Russel's face, memories of the torment she had endured at Russel's hands flooded back in her past. She remembered in the dark room how Russel pluck off her fingernails with a crazed smile and stripped the flesh from her fingers, her face was subjected her to acid burns, and relentless mockery could be heard coming from Russel's mouth.

"I'll report this to my father!" Russel screamed at Aurianna, her voice filled with fury.

Aurianna let out a chilling laugh. "Do you think I care? Your dad is my father's dog. He can't even go against my father even if he wants to since he has made an oath. Anyone who breaks an oath would die," she chuckled as she walked around Russel.

"So why did you attack me? Why did you try to humiliate me? Or embarrass me? I don't understand. And I believe that we haven't interacted much, so I would like to know your reason for such hostility," Aurianna inquired, her voice calm yet laced with an edge of curiosity. She crouched down, her intense gaze fixed on Russel, and gently used her finger to lift Russel's face to meet her eyes. Russel couldn't help but tremble under that penetrating stare, feeling as if she were facing a monster. The same fear that her own slaves often displayed now reflected in her own eyes.

Through gritted teeth, Russel yelled at Aurianna, "Because I despise you! How can the goddess of beauty be so unfair? I've made countless offerings, yet I don't possess your beauty! It's unjust! And what's worse, you had to bully my dear Ralph—because of you, he's lost his sparkle!"

"Is that all?" Aurianna asked, seemingly unfazed.

Without warning, Aurianna seized a handful of Russel's hair, bringing her face closer. "How utterly foolish! Picking a fight with me over such a silly reason practically begs for death, you little brat!" Her words were cold, and her light blue eyes gleamed with an icy light.

Turning her attention to the other girls, Russel pleaded desperately, "Can someone help me, please? Go fetch my knights!"

However, none of the other girls dared to move, paralyzed by the piercing gaze Aurianna had fixed upon them. Seeing that that no help was coming soon Russel gritted her teeth and gathered her courage, as she lifted her gaze to meet Aurianna's.

"I'm sorry for spilling tea on you," she confessed, tears streaming down her face.

"See it was that simple," Aurianna remarked with a chilling smile as she patted Russel's bloody cheeks.

Russel looked up at her, trembling with fear.

"Don't worry," Aurianna whispered into her ear. "It won't hurt much. I'll make your death painless!!"

"No..." Russel's final words were barely a whisper before Aurianna swiftly rose and executed a spinning kick, severing Russel's neck. Blood gushed from the wound, staining the grass crimson, and Russel's head rolled onto the ground, a haunting mix of terror and regret etched on her lifeless face.

The girls around them screamed and cried out in horror. Witnessing the gruesome scene, some stumbled to the ground, distancing themselves from Aurianna, who stood drenched in blood, seemingly unbothered, as she walked toward the remaining noble girls.

"No one should speak about what happened here today, okay?" Aurianna said, accompanied by a playful wink. However, as she caught sight of their horrified expressions, her own demeanor quickly shifted from mischievous to bored. "What am I saying you guys will tell anyway," she muttered, turning away dismissively.

A sudden glint in Aurianna's eye diverted her attention to two white souls drifting in the garden, gradually fading. Without hesitation, she snatched them up, a sweet fragrance wafting into her nostrils. 'I might as well enjoy them,' she thought, gulping down both souls. Her face immediately lit up. 'So utterly delicious!' she gleefully noted to herself.

"Thanks for the tea party, everyone! See you all later!" Aurianna waved casually as she exited the garden, her shoes leaving bloody footprints in her wake. Alert knights stationed nearby couldn't help but notice the conspicuous bloodstains on Aurianna, making them uneasy. Some wondered how she had gotten herself into this situation. But the most unsettling part was the eerie grin on her face.

"Princess, are you alright?" one of the knights ventured closer, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm fine. Just lead me to my carriage," Aurianna instructed, and three knights obediently gathered around her, responding in unison, "Yes, Princess!"


Down the mansion's grand halls of Duke Hun, a young man with a brown complexion, short orange hair, and brown eyes, known as Zorian, walked around. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice a gathering of knights and maids at the garden entrance, their faces etched with terror.

"Clear the path," Zorian ordered, prompting the knights and maids to part and make way for him. Intrigued by the commotion, he ventured into the garden, following the sound of constant sobbing. When he arrived at the source of the distress, the sight that unfolded before him left his eyes wide with shock.

In his line of sight lay the severed head of Russel, cradled in the trembling hands of a weeping maid. The girls who had attended Russel's tea party had hastily fled, eager to avoid prying questions and determined to relay the shocking events to their parents.

"What in the world happened here?" Zorian inquired, his gaze fixed on the maid as he reached out to grasp her shoulder.

The maid could only manage choked sobs, struggling to meet the gaze of her young master. "R-Russel... save her!" she finally managed to blurt out between hiccups. "T-the Prin-cess Aurianna... s-she killed her!" she wailed.

{ sorry for the short chap I realized I had to do some research before writing the next chap. }

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