Chapter 21.5: Thinking 2

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"I wish evening would just hurry up and come already," Aurianna sighed as she sipped some orange juice, her impatience palpable in her voice.

To her surprise, Eva appeared before her with a smile, ready to engage in conversation. "Aren't you impatient?" she asked, her hands crossed and curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

Aurianna sighed again, this time expressing her boredom more explicitly. She communicated her thoughts telepathically to Eva, ensuring their conversation remained private. "I am, I'm so... bored. I've read every book in the library, experienced my past life... There's nothing new or exciting," she complained, clutching her book tightly in her hand.

Eva raised an eyebrow at Aurianna's response. "Every book? What about learning books?"

Aurianna scoffed at the idea. "Story books, of course! Learning books are too dull for my taste," she proudly declared, emphasizing her preference for the imaginative and fantastical tales rather than academic content.

Eva pondered for a moment, contemplating potential solutions. "Well, you can always watch the knights practicing their skills," she suggested, her tone optimistic.

Aurianna's face contorted into a disapproving frown. "Please, I'm not going to waste my time watching those jackasses train their boring moves," she retorted dismissively, uninterested in the martial training of the knights.

Eva, undeterred, continued to offer suggestions. "Why don't you find a way to play around or have some fun? You're physically young, after all," she proposed, hoping to spark some interest in Aurianna's demeanor.

Aurianna crossed her arms, unconvinced. "What am I, a child?" she exclaimed, displaying her resistance to the idea.

"Physically, you are a child," Eva pointed out.

Eva paused, contemplating another potential solution that might capture Aurianna's attention. "What about piecing together all the events that happened in your past life?" she suggested, her voice tentative yet hopeful.

As soon as Eva mentioned her past life, Aurianna's body trembled uncontrollably, and a sense of fear washed over her. She shrank back, visibly shaken by the idea.

"Even though I'm angry about what happened in my past life, I don't feel comfortable thinking about it," she mumbled, her voice filled with a mixture of reluctance and fear. The mere thought of delving into the memories and events of her previous existence seemed to evoke a deep sense of unease within her.

"Princess, are you alright?" Yui, who had been sitting on a nearby bench, immediately rushed over to Aurianna, concern etched on her face. She gently held Aurianna's trembling hands, offering support and comfort.

"I'm fine, really. You can go back now," Aurianna waved her hands at Yui, still feeling nervous but not wanting to burden her with her own anxieties.

Yui hesitated for a moment, still worried about Aurianna, but ultimately respected her request and returned to her previous position on the bench, keeping a watchful eye on her.

Aurianna took a deep breath and tried to regain her composure. She reached for her cup of cool fruit drink and took a long sip, hoping to soothe her frayed nerves.

Placing the cup back on the table with a bit more force than intended, she noticed a small crack forming in the glass.

"Well you don't seem to be fine to me," Eva, always perceptive, gestured towards Aurianna and a mischievous grin crept across her face. "Are you still afraid?" she inquired, teasingly.

Aurianna bit her lip and used her palms to steady her trembling shoulders. "It's hard not to be afraid," she admitted, her voice filled with vulnerability and honesty.

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