Chapter 14: Reborn

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"Hmm, where am I?" Aurianna pondered, her mind filled with curiosity and confusion. She found herself standing on a vast expanse of white land, and right in front of her stood an enormous white statue. This thing was colossal, easily towering over 100 meters in height, though it leaned slightly to one side. Interestingly, it seemed to have split in half, creating an intriguing visual effect.

The statue depicted a striking woman, holding a staff firmly in one hand. As Aurianna gazed at the sculpture, a realization washed over her—a realization that she, in fact, bore a resemblance to the woman portrayed. The beauty of the statue was captivating, and it was as if a mirrored reflection stared back at her.

Perceiving an air of peculiarity emanating from the statue, Aurianna decided it was best to distance herself from it. However, her intentions didn't sit well with the fragmented sculpture. In an instant, it reacted, raising its staff and emitting a resounding scream.

Suddenly, in a swift movement, the statue positioned itself right before her, wielding its staff with great force in an attempt to strike Aurianna. The powerful swing connected, causing her to yelp in pain as she was sent hurtling toward the ground. The impact was nothing short of devastating, making her feel as though every bone in her body had been pulverized. It surpassed any agony she had previously endured, be it from torture or demon attacks.

Aurianna endured the relentless assault from the colossal statue's staff, her body absorbing blow after blow without breaking apart. The pain was excruciating as she was pounded into the ground repeatedly, but eventually, the statue ceased its assault, allowing her a moment of respite. Gasping for breath, she mustered the strength to pry her eyes open.

As her vision cleared, she found herself in a room, bewildered by the sudden change in surroundings. "Wait, how did I end up here?" she questioned, her voice filled with confusion.

Surveying her surroundings, she took in the pristine, white interior with minimal decorations. The room exuded an air of luxury, though the monotonous white color scheme was slightly disconcerting, given the brutal beating she had just endured. Aurianna searched for an exit but found no visible doors, further intensifying her unease.

Aurianna pondered whether the lack of an apparent door was a consequence of the room's enclosed nature, where the uniformity of white hues might have obscured it from view. Yet, a sense of familiarity permeated the atmosphere, leading her to wonder in a hushed tone, "Could this be... my old room?" A tremor in her voice betrayed the underlying uncertainty as she meticulously surveyed the walls, grappling with the possibility that her harrowing encounter might have been nothing more than a nightmarish figment of her imagination.

Aurianna's eyes fixated on her hands, and she couldn't help but feel a wave of astonishment wash over her as she noticed the absence of the scars she had carried for so long. To her amazement, her hands appeared rejuvenated, devoid of any signs of past wounds. Her attention then shifted to the corner of the room, where a window revealed the night sky—a captivating swirl of darkness concealing untold secrets. A mixture of awe and confusion filled her as she cautiously examined her hands once more. How could this be? What had transpired to bring about such a remarkable transformation?

As Aurianna lifted her gaze from her hands, a sudden realization struck her—she was actually seated on a bed. Perplexed by this unexpected revelation, she promptly rose from the bed, only to stumble and land face-first on the ground with an involuntary cry of pain, muttering an "Ouch" as she instinctively rubbed her forehead. Determined not to be deterred, she quickly regained her footing.

To her surprise, Aurianna then noticed the presence of a dressing table before her, prompting a perplexed expression to grace her face. She approached it with intrigue, but as she drew closer, a startling revelation emerged—the dressing table was massive! No matter how hard she stretched her arms or attempted to jump, reaching the top of it remained a difficult challenge.

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