Chapter 119: Underground city 2

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"I have personal reasons for this request, so I kindly request your payment," Eva remarked, extending her open palm towards Aurianna in a gesturing manner. "It's worth noting that this technology is exceptionally rare," she added with a sigh.

"You were the one who provided ideas initially, but now you're being rather tightfisted," Aurianna remarked, puffing her cheeks in a playful manner.

"Very well, I'll lower the cost of one Sucker to 50 quest points. But no lower than that," Eva declared.

"Why not consider giving it to me without a charge?" Aurianna suggested with a mischievous grin.

That's not a viable option," Eva responded firmly.

"You!" Aurianna expressed her frustration with a growl, but eventually relented. "Alright, I'm willing to pay 100,000 for 2000 suckers."

"I've suffered significant losses, you know," Eva expressed with a slight sulking expression, lips pursed.

"Come on, 50 is still quite expensive," Aurianna's disappointment was evident in her pout.

"You're showing a lack of appreciation," Eva hissed, her voice sharp. "These Sucker EMPs hold immense value and are very useful. They remain undetectable by Arc Humans, have the ability to target specific individuals for teleportation, disable designated devices, and operate autonomously." Eva explained, her tone growing more impassioned. "Considering their capabilities, a mere 50 quest points hardly seems an unjust exchange!" She concluded with a mixture of frustration and emotion, as she shed a fake tear.

"Fine, fine I'll take it like that. Thanks a bunch Eva," Aurianna said with a grateful smile.

"Of course, it's my pleasure," Eva responded with a touch of amusement.


"I'm not obliged to disclose the origins of these," Aurianna asserted as she handed him a bag.

Ostusi unzipped the bag and was greeted by a multitude of Suckers inside.

"Place three of these in each cell within this room. Afterward, we'll proceed to the next one," Aurianna instructed, while helping herself to a bag of Suckers.

"Is there no risk of them being discovered?" Ostusi inquired, his gaze fixed on the bag.

"No, but there's one uncertainty that's bothering me," Aurianna mused, her brow creased in deep contemplation.

"And what might that be?" Ostusi probed further.

"All of the individuals in those cells are slaves, but we lack information on which ones might also be criminals. So, if we teleport them out, there's a chance that some might betray us," Aurianna speculated, releasing a sigh.

"Indeed, even though we're attempting to rescue them, there's a potential for some to betray and report us," Ostusi concurred thoughtfully.

"Perhaps I should consult Vatium about using my skill on them," Aurianna pondered aloud as she stretched her arms.

"What kind of skill are you referring to?" Ostusi's curiosity got the better of him.

"I'm keeping that to myself!" Aurianna retorted with a playful grin, causing a twinge of annoyance in Ostusi.

'Why won't she share anything? It's quite frustrating!' Ostusi fumed inwardly.

"We have limited time before dawn, and I must return to my room before that. So let's proceed swiftly," Aurianna directed, and Ostusi signaled his agreement.

Without delay, he swiftly moved through the area, discreetly positioning three Suckers within each cell. Aurianna followed suit, maintaining a slightly slower pace but managing to keep up with Ostusi while discreetly depositing the Suckers. Their movements were hushed as they deftly avoided guards along the way. Upon touching the floor, the Suckers seamlessly merged with their surroundings, ascending the cage walls and discreetly situating themselves in the corners.

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