Chapter 39: War 3

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After a while the Arch Dukes came back smiling, King Boborous watched the disaster horrified as he muttered, "Our sources never said they were this strong..." He gripped his hands tightly and glared at King Girsal smirking.

Suddenly an extremely beautiful brown-skinned woman with six large, black wings, and a pair of empty dark eyes appeared. Her pupils were white with black crosses in the middle, she had an evil grin as she looked at the mortals.

[ This war has received interest from the god of war and goddess of games. ]

All the soldiers on the battlefield were shocked as they stared at the Angel. Everyone immediately knelt down in sign of respect. Aurianna looked up to see the woman, King Girsal muttered, "A heavenly angel of the god of war..."

[ The god of war has asked me to announce that the winner of this war will be granted 10,000 magic coins and the land and resources of the other kingdom. They will also receive the gods acknowledgment thus gaining their sponsorship. Remember, kings aren't allowed to interfere with battles until the third round. So let the second round begin! ] commanded the Angel her voice spreading over the battlefield.

A screen then popped up before them [ the god of war and goddess of games are watching ]

"We mustn't lose this battle, this round fight and slaughter them all!" King Boborous yelled as his dark knights marched towards the battlefield, carrying all sorts of intimidating weapons.

"I'll send my children," King Grisal said. "All of you, destroy them!"

"Yes, Father," the children said coldly, walking towards the battlefield.

"Did they really bring kids to the war? Since they want us to kill their heirs I shall gladly oblige?!" A dark knight sneered as he charged a little girl who looked around 15 with green hair and green eyes, he raised his long axe and slashed down at her. Unfortunately, his head was immediately sliced off and she sheathed her katana.

"Kill them all, Leora!" Emirie yelled out loud, cheering for her daughter who blushed slightly. The battle had begun.

Aurianna smirked as she was surrounded by dark knights, "Seriously, level ten knights?"

"Aurianna, every adult human is level ten." Eva sighed, Aurianna snickered, "Then Sandeph seems to be a breeding ground for geniuses…or the best batch was wiped out at the start."

Aurianna immediately summoned her rifles, killing them all. She then dashed toward the thousands of incoming dark knights.

"I can't believe there was an insignificant fool who actually thought they could attack Sandeph, the kingdom of magic, and survive," Aurianna said with a sinister expression before crushing a knight's face with her bare hands.

Aurianna continued to rampage, she summoned her hover gun and shot a massive blast eliminating over thirty knights in one go.

'My movement feels faster with these boots,' Aurianna thought as she noticed an increase in her speed despite part of her power being sealed. She twisted her body, her hands touched the ground and propelled her body upwards allowing her to land a kick in a dark knight's face, blasting their head off. She used his body as a platform to propel herself upwards to land a drop kick on the broad sword of a knight, causing a crack. The dark knight tried to catch her but she summoned her rifle and shot his eyes. After blinding the enemy, she kicked him in the face, turning it to mush. She then jumped off his body twisting herself to make a spin kick and slashed four knights coming towards her. Their bodies split into two, releasing all of the guts and blood to spill as they slumped to the ground.

Despite the notifications Aurianna was receiving she ignored them and continued her slaughter. She summoned a sniper gun and smiled as she shot down some dark knights from afar.

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