Chapter 40: Crushing Defeat

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Since the space was dark and the Being was glowing brightly Aurianna could see the figure clearly and could tell that it was a woman. She was 6 feet tall and crouched down. She had a wide grin as she placed her two hands on Aurianna's face.

"I can finally be revived," the woman spoke with an eerie tone and Aurianna trembled with fear. She tried to struggle but soon realised that she couldn't move.

'Is it because of her?' Aurianna wondered as she stared at the woman nervously. The aura she emitted gave Aurianna a familiar feeling but she couldn't quite place it...

Aurianna's body was immediately wrapped by white chains and as she seemed to be sinking into a sea of darkness the woman waved to her goodbye.

"Aurianna, wake up!!" Eva demanded, as Aurianna was standing weirdly with her eyes closed.

She suddenly opened her eyes abruptly and materialized a floating sword of light, stabbing it into the bodies of the knights approaching for an attack and they turned to dust upon being impaled.

Eva looked at Aurianna gravely, immediately noticing that her aura was different. "Who are you?" She asked, the clocks in her eyes beginning to glow as she glared at the imposter.

Aurianna's normal aqua eyes were replaced with a pair of beautiful diamond looking eyes with rhombus shaped pupils.

"Why is this body incomplete?!" The Being frowned as she examined Aurianna's body, ignoring Eva's question.

"Hey you," the Being looked up at Eva, "You're the Pearl of this second generation Diamond right?" the Being asked, and Eva stared at her nervously.

"Tell me, where's the other half," it questioned, gripping her palms. And Eva felt as though her body was being crushed by an invisible force, blue blood started rushing out from her eyes and ears.

Enemy knights rushed to attack the Being but before they could come within a five meter radius, she snapped her fingers turning them into balls of lightning, which then flew around her before Being absorbed into her body.

Before the Being was able to question Eva further. She looked at her palm to see that her body was glitching.

"I thought I had destroyed her soul," she mumbled and sat on the ground before she closed her eyes. "Queen, slay everyone who attacks me," the Being ordered as she suddenly stopped breathing.

All of a sudden a bright light surrounded the battlefield and blinded everyone. After a few seconds the light disappeared to reveal a crystal female knight with a crown on her head. Her entire body was glowing white and was over twenty feet tall. She knelt down and used her wings to cover Aurianna's body and everyone one watched this crazy phenomenon bewildered and in awe.

"Should we attack it?" a knight asked as all, even noblemen, trembled.

Advisor Chu, in the same state as everyone else, asked King Girsal the same question, "Should we engage?"

King Girsal shook his head, "No, leave it."

Inside the dark space Aurianna watched the chains of light being destroyed by formless black matter. Aurianna took a deep breath as she regained function of her lungs. She thought of how she was unable to move and the fear that gripped her when she was chained by the strange woman.

"I wonder who that is," Aurianna thought nervously, as she was getting up.

"I need to find a way out," she mumbled as she looked around but stopped when she saw the white crystalline woman before her. She looked at her and asked, "Who are you?"

"You're not worthy of knowing, and nor are you worthy of possessing my gem," the woman spoke coldly.

"Gem, what do you mean?" Aurianna asked, looking up at her.

Who Says All Saints Need To Be Good?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora