Chapter 72: Death O'Neil

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As Aurianna and Leila stood in the aftermath of their brutal duel, a shadow fell over them. Looking up, they saw Carol, her massive black wings casting a dark shadow over them.

"You guys seemed to have some fun with your duel, and Leila won, which was obvious," Carol mused as she flapped her large black wings before Aurianna and Leila and landed before them. The ground is crushing slightly.

"Ugh," Aurianna frowned, her lips twisted in a bitter scowl as she looked at Carol.

"Aurianna you must learn to respect your seniors," Carol scolded, appearing at Aurianna's side and gripping her cheeks with a force that made her wince in pain.

"Ouch, ow! Ow! You're hurting me!!" Aurianna cried out, her voice strained as Carol's grip grew tighter, before letting go.

Aurianna rubbed her reddened cheeks as she glared at Carol with frustration as she continued to pout.

"Just wait until I'm the same level as you Leila, I will not lose!!" she declared with a fierce determination, turning to face Leila with an unwavering gaze.

Leila smiled at her sister's determination, nodding in agreement. "I look forward to the day we can duel once more, sister."

But before the sisters could continue their conversation, Carol interjected with a sudden announcement, clapping her hands to draw their attention.

"Since this is your final day here, there is someone I would like you to meet," Carol declared, her eyes alight with an enigmatic gleam. "Or rather, he wishes to meet you."

"And who might that be?" Aurianna questioned, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at Carol.

"He is someone who has wanted to meet you both," Carol replied with a smile. "I promised him that he would see you both on the last day of your training."

A chill ran down Aurianna and Leila's spines at Carol's eerie tone. They exchanged nervous glances before turning back to face Carol.

"Now let's go!" Carol exclaimed and flew into the air and her feet extended and grew bigger, she immediately used her claws to hold Leila and Aurianna by the waist, and she took off into the sky.

Leila was unfazed by the wind blowing in her face, but Aurianna was a hot mess, her face turning blue and letting out screams and gags the whole way.

After a while of flying over deserts, forests, and icy plains. Finally, they arrived at a dark and foreboding land, shrouded in gray clouds. The sky was lit with a sinister glow, and tall crystal structures loomed all around them, casting long shadows on the ground. And strange, malformed beasts made entirely of crystals could be seen wandering about.

As Aurianna regained her composure, she straightened up and stared at the beasts below with a mix of awe and fear. Some were small and insignificant from their view in the sky, while others were as massive as the dreaded Void Reaver Queen, parting a way for Carol to pass through the land.

"Carol, can we beat those creators at our current level?" Leila asked with a nervous expression.

"I highly doubt that," Carol chuckled darkly.

"Why?" Aurianna interjected, her curiosity piqued by Carol's ominous tone.

"Because all the beasts here are above level 4000!" Carol blurted out, her nerves betraying her.

"That's crazy!" gasped Aurianna and Leila in unison, their eyes transfixed on the otherworldly creatures that surrounded them with a mixture of wonder and terror. The air was thick with an eerie stillness, broken only by the sound of their beating wings as they flew through the uncharted terrain,

And yet, against all odds, the creatures remained passive, allowing the two faeries to glide through their midst unscathed. Aurianna and Leila shared a glance of baffled relief, exchanging unspoken questions as to the strange behavior of their new hosts.

Suddenly, the skies thundered with the sound of Carol's Harpy voice, ringing out like a clarion call amidst the brooding atmosphere. She flew towards a towering mountain, shrouded in darkness, and descended gracefully to the rocky ground, laying Aurianna and Leila down with a feather-light touch.

"Death O'Neil, I'm here!" Carol bellowed, her voice echoing throughout the bleak expanse. The voice of another entity answered her call, shaking the very foundations of the land.

"You have brought them, Carol," a deep, rumbling voice echoed through the land, shaking the very earth beneath their feet. Aurianna and Leila whirled around, their eyes searching for the source of the voice, until they realized with a start that it was emanating from the very heart of the mountain itself.

"Of course," Carol beamed, her voice ringing with an eerie excitement that sent shivers down the spines of her two sisters. The mountain before them seemed to stir, as if roused from a deep slumber, and its beady gray eyes opened, locking onto the trio with an intensity that made them quake with fear.

The being that emerged from the mist was unlike anything they had ever seen before. Its massive frame was covered in a cloak of gray, its every movement accompanied by the clanging of chains that seemed to echo through the very air around them. As it brought its colossal face down to peer at them, Aurianna and Leila felt a surge of dread rise within them, their eyes widening with a mix of awe and terror.

"That… is …him?" Aurianna's voice trembled as she looked up to see Neil. Despite his monstrous size, it was his eyes that truly unsettled her. Massive orbs that glowed with an eerie, ethereal gray light, that peered at them with a curious gaze.

"This aura it's frightening," Leila could feel the weight of its aura pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket, causing beads of sweat to trickle down her face. The air around them was thick with the raw power emanating from the mountain, suffusing every inch of their being, gave her a sense of uneasiness.

"Fuck his aura, he looks like a freaking mountain with eyes!!" Aurianna yelled as she pointed a trembling finger at him and Neil cocked his head in confusion.

"Well, shoot, maybe I'm a little too big for your taste. Let me adjust my height," he said, his voice rumbling like thunder as he began to shrink down, down, down until he stood at a more manageable seven feet tall. Within moments, he had transformed from a colossal mass of mist into a man with short gray hair and a long ponytail. His black sclera and gray irises held an otherworldly glow, while his pupil was a strange gray octagonal shape. He donned a sleek sci-fi suit in muted shades of gray and black. Aurianna and Leila gawked in amazement as Neil's form shifted before their eyes, but they could not help but notice the heavy chains that clung to his wrists, legs, and neck. Each link was adorned with an image of a ticking clock, as if to remind him of his endless captivity.

"Dang, talk about a fashion statement," Aurianna murmured, eyeing the chains with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

"Billions of years have come and gone, and yet fate has brought a Diamond to my doorstep once more," Neil mused, his eyes locked on the two girls before him.

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