Chapter 53: Void Reavers

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[ Diamond Ranking

1. ?????: level 1349: Gilgamesh

2. ?????: level 965: Iris

3. ?????: level 594: Ciel

4.?????: level 559: Huns

5. ?????: level 453: Leila

6. ?????: level 378: Keira

7.?????: level 346: Jake

8. ?????: level 328: Polyra

9. ?????: level 289: Kazuki

10. ????: level 267: Adam

11. ????: level 199: Yuli

12. ?????: Level 85: Aurianna ]

"Those two are monsters!!" Aurianna gritted her teeth and her pupils trembled. She looked closely at her name at the bottom of the list. Blood seeped from the sides of her mouth and her eyes were dark.

"Indeed, I'm still unable to comprehend how they are able to grow that strong. I wonder if they have a Pearl like ours that can control time," Leila commented, but soon realized Aurianna's mood.

"You have the ability to grow stronger, so do whatever you must to catch up to me one day," Leila whispered into Aurianna's ear.

Aurianna turned to look at her with a smile and pounded her hand on her chest, "I would get stronger, much stronger to even catch up with Gilgamesh and Iris," she claimed boldly once again.

"I'd like to meet them someday myself," Leila said, looking up at the dark skies. "Ohh it seems that we walked into a monster's territory," Leila stated and Aurianna looked ahead and her eyes widened.

[ You have entered the Void Reaver's territory ]

Aurianna and Leila looked ahead to see the desolate land of the destroyed building, but this one was different. There were gigantic balls of yellow growing on the walls, and the buildings were connected with vines. Aurianna walked closer to one of the balls and poked it. The balls trembled and Aurianna saw a being wriggle inside. Aurianna frowned and jumped back.

"Hmm dear little sister," Leila called out.

"Why am I the little sister?" Aurianna crossed her hands.

Leila giggled, "Because I'm more mature than you in every way."


"Are you ready for a fight?" Leila asked.

"I'm more than ready, I've been itching to grow stronger," Aurianna summoned her revolvers in her hands and gripped them. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and she grinned.

"Then I'll take the right, and you take the left, so we don't get in each other's progress," Leila pointed to the sides of the city and Aurianna nodded.

"Fine by me." Aurianna dashed towards the left without a second thought.

After a while of running, Aurianna stopped and walked slowly. She focused her gaze on the surroundings.

Sensing something, she turned around to see nothing there.

"I'm sure I heard something," Aurianna mumbled. However, after a few minutes of looking around, she started to see strange monsters appearing around the buildings. One of the monsters jumped out from the buildings and stood before Aurianna. Its beady black eyes stared at her.

Before Aurianna were humanoid insect monsters. Its entire body was purple, and its hands were like a scythe, and they had a dark purple glow. Its legs looked strong and sturdy as it stood on its claw-like feet. Its body was covered in some form of external armor, and white spikes were protruding from its body. The other humanoid insect monsters' sizes ranged from six feet to seven feet.

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