Chapter 85: Audience

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Aurianna picked up the knife and took some few vegetables and neatly sliced them with swiftness and preciseness. Once she was done chopping up various vegetables, she picked up a neat pan and placed it on the magic stone which immediately lit up once it was in contact with the pan. She poured some oil inside and after a while, the colorful medley of peppers, onions, and carrots sizzled in the hot pan, releasing a fragrant aroma that filled the air.

Next to the vegetables, a generous portion of diced meat which was already browning in a different pan, its juices mingling with the flavors of the sautéed vegetables Aurianna immediately added. The meat was cooked well, juicy and tender, and seasoned with an exquisite blend of spices that gave it a rich and savory flavor.

"I guess the chefs were either cooking this for lunch or for themselves," Aurianna silently muttered to herself as she saw a bowl of rice at the end of the table. She immediately picked it up, washed it and boiled it and with the magic fire, the rice was cooked in a few minutes.

As the vegetables and meat cooked, Aurianna added fluffy grains of cooked rice to the pan, tossing everything together with skillful flicks of the wrist. The rice was crispy and slightly charred in some spots, adding a delightful texture and depth of flavor to the dish.

With a final flourish, the chef sprinkled a handful of chopped spring onions and fresh cilantro over the top of the dish, infusing it with a bright, herbaceous look. The finished product was a stunning array of colors and flavors, a delicious fusion of fresh vegetables, succulent meat, and perfectly cooked rice.

Aurianna paused for a moment, savoring the sight and aroma of the dish before serving it up in a large, white ceramic bowl. The fried vegetable rice with meat was a masterpiece, and as she savored the first bite, tears streamed down her face.

"Hic, hic," Tears streamed down Aurianna's face as she reminisced about the nights spent practicing her cooking skills, long after the rest of the castle had gone to sleep. In the day, she would watch the chefs in the kitchen with an unbridled enthusiasm, inspired by their dedication and skill.

But Queen Amber was quick to crush Aurianna's dreams. Every time she stepped into the kitchen to hone her craft, the queen would rebuke her, punishing her for daring to step out of line. And whenever the chefs showed her kindness, teaching her new techniques and sharing their knowledge, they were swiftly fired.

After a meaningless cycle, Aurianna gave up and followed her mother's wishes and stopped cooking and focused more on her princess duties.

"No one messes with my food," Aurianna cried as she stuffed her mouth with rice.


Shialor shrieked in terror as she stumbled backwards, her eyes fixed on the gruesome sight before her.

"Aurianna what is this?!" Shialor cried out, her voice trembling in fear as she fell on her butt looking at the boxes before her. The one she formerly opened was the dismembered body of a man who had a look of agony and despair.

"It's just a masterpiece I made of some maids and butlers who dared to defy me, and steal my money," Aurianna declared in a childish manner which sent shivers down Shialor's spine. Shialor could feel her stomach turn as she watched one of the maids come forward and expertly wrap up the box, as if it were a mere gift. A name was neatly pasted on the side, as if to give it some semblance of normality.

"Princess, please, when did this happen?" Shialor asked with a pale face.

"Yesterday, of course," Aurianna said, her voice devoid of any emotion. "I had to clear out the rats in my castle. Thus, I was presented with thirty boxes of corpses." She said with a huge smile.

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