Chapter 88: Gray Diamond Fights for his life 2

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The Female Regal's body trembled violently, her once-confident demeanor now reduced to mere shock and disbelief. Rainbow-colored blood spilled forth from her lips, an unsettling sight to behold. "How is my power gone?!" she muttered, her pupils trembling with fear and confusion, as the very realm they stood upon began to crumble before them.

The male Regal swiftly came to her aid, assisting her to her feet as they both fixed their gazes upon Gray with an intense glare.

A chilling smirk curled on Gray Diamond's lips, his voice dripping with icy resolve. "Let's bring this macabre dance to its final act," he declared, his words laced with a frigid certainty. As if in response to his command, his arcane book quivered with anticipation, and thrummed with an otherworldly energy, its vibrations rippling through the worlds in which they clashed.

As if on cue, the surroundings worlds dissolved into blinding light, a convergence of worlds vanishing into a void. And then, emerging from an abyss in space, a colossal, sci-fi bazooka materialized in the sky, its barrel aimed yieldingly at both the two Regals and Gray Diamond. It crackled with immense power, pulsating with a foreboding gray aura that promised cataclysmic destruction.

Gray Diamond's eyes gleamed with a calculated determination as he locked onto his targets, his mind resolute and unwavering

Without hesitation, Gray Diamond reached for his own weapon from his book, a dark, menacing staff that glimmered ominously in his hands. The three combatants stared at each other, their eyes locked in an intense stare-down.

With a fierce battle cry, the three charged forward, their weapons clashing in a shower of sparks. The bazooka roared to life, unleashing a barrage of explosive rounds that shook the very ground beneath them.

"We have to kill him quickly before his bazooka can fully charge!!" growled the male Regal, a sense of urgency in his voice as he locked eyes with his female counterpart. Without wasting a second, the lady Regal sprinted towards Gray Diamond, spear in hand, while her partner charged at him with his sword raised high.

Gray Diamond with lightning-fast reflexes, blocked both attacks with his book and staff, his face a mask of determination.

Suddenly, more worlds around the solar system vanished in a blinding flash of light, entering a colossal sci-fi bazooka suspended high above in space on the main world they fought on. Its barrel was aimed squarely at the Regals and Gray, crackling with energy, the grounds trembled, and it primed for destruction. Gray's eyes flickered with a sinister glow as he raised his book, pointing at the Bazooka.

The Female Regal's voice rang out in a desperate scream, her eyes widening in terror as she realized that Gray Diamond had set his sights on her and her partner, too. "Are you crazy? Do you want to die as well??" she yelled, her voice tinged with disbelief and fear. But Gray was unfazed, his demeanor unshaken by her outburst, his steely gaze locked onto the bazooka as it continued to charge up for its devastating attack.

"Devastation," Gray whispered under his breath, his voice carrying an air of grim determination. His gaze shifted to Eva, who was trapped in a gray ball, completely unharmed by the destruction that was unfolding around her, her eyes widened in sheer terror. Yet, to his surprise, he couldn't help but smile at her, a bittersweet expression etching across his face. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as their eyes met, silently conveying a message of farewell.

With a flick of his wrist, he sent the command to fire, the mighty weapon unleashing a torrent of destructive energy that bore down upon the entire world. The world shook and quaked with the force of the deadly blast.

"Father!! Noo!! Stop it, you'll die!!" Eva's voice echoed through the gray ball, the sound of her despair ringing out like a mournful dirge. Her voice laced with heart-wrenching desperation. She pounded relentlessly on the walls of the gray ball barrier that encased her like a prison, but at the same time it protected her. Her fists shaking with a mixture of fear and frustration. Despite the onslaught of explosions hammering against the barrier, she remained shielded from any harm, the impact of each strike kept at bay.

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