Chapter 55: Void Reavers 2

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Aurianna dashed towards the Void Reavers who became aware of her and Leila's presence. They roared in rage and dashed toward them, revealing their six scythe-like arms.

Aurianna noticed ten dashing toward her and was prepared to shoot. However, she immediately lost sight of their movement and one stabbed her from behind.


Aurianna used her shotgun to shoot several bullets into its head, but the large Void Reaver didn't budge and used the rest of its arms to stab into her body, killing her.

"Hey don't die so easily!" Leila yelled at Aurianna as she clenched her cleaved-off arm. She immediately regenerated her arm in a few seconds and dashed toward the Void Reavers. Her two arms turned into dragon claws, and she immediately stabbed through their chest with her hands.

Aurianna revived and saw an incoming Void Reaver about to attack her head, fortunately, she brought her head back and avoided its attack. She then used her hands to support her body and did a spin kick, immediately injuring the numerous Void Reavers around her.

Aurianna jumped up grining at her work, but her grin turned into a frown as she noticed them healing their wounds.

Aurianna summoned her revolvers and aimed it at them. She dashed around their surroundings avoiding their attacks at the same time landing shots that were fatal. However, Aurianna couldn't avoid all of their attacks and sustained serious injuries, and was sometimes killed by them.

Aurianna huffed as she stared at the hundreds of large Void Reavers before her that didn't seem to end. She turned to stare at Leila beside her who was also gasping for breath, her white and blue eyes were revealed as she glared at the monsters.

Aurianna nodded at Leila, and she nodded back as they both dashed together toward the horde of monsters.

"Hey, ugly monsters come get me!" Aurianna yelled, and the Void Reavers glared at her in rage.

"Why do strange beings never give up?" A void Reaver spoke in a distorted voice.

"Beings come and fight every day for months, years! How are they still alive?!" Another Void Reaver exclaimed as it stared at Aurianna and Leila struggling to fight the Void Reavers before them.

"This fight. It makes mother uncomfortable and angry," a larger Void Reaver spoke nervously.

"We have to kill them!!" They yelled together.

[ Burst ] Aurianna summoned her barrage of hover guns as they shot several magic bullets and explosive blasts at the Void Reavers and Leila jumped over her and quickly slashed the monsters with the two spears in her hands.

In midair, Leila slashed the Void Reavers and they swung their scythe arms at her. But before Leila could take them out, several of her limbs were slashed off. A much larger Void Reaver appeared before her and slashed off her head, killing her.

Leila revived beside her body, materializing from particles to a full body.

"Leila give me a boost!" Aurianna yelled and Leila nodded. She summoned her broad sword and Aurianna quickly jumped on it, Leila then threw her high in the air. Aurianna immediately summoned ten hover guns and sent many blasts raving down at the monsters. Leila then breathe in deeply and the flames around seemed to be sucked into her belly. The sight left Aurianna dumbfounded as well.

She then opened her mouth as a bright white flame condensed, and she released it, sending a much larger blast at the Void Reavers killing many of them.

"Choppers!" Aurianna yelled as she was about to land on a Void Reaver and her teeth turned sharp and pointy like a beast, and she bit down on the Void Reaver's head and tore it off.

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