Chapter 20: Eva's Plight

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Eva glanced at her phone to check the time and saw that it was six in the morning. She let out a sigh, realizing that it was time to bring the training session to an end.

"I wanted Aurianna to continue fighting, but it seems I must conclude the training for now," Eva said, rising from the chair she had been sitting in. She was dressed in light blue pajamas adorned with white clouds scattered across the fabric.

"Now, let me check Aurianna's stats," Eva said, her voice filled with anticipation. She accessed the relevant information on her phone, eager to see how Aurianna had developed.

[ Aurianna ]

[ Age: 21 ]

[ Class: Gunner Mage ]

[ Race: Diamond]

[ Level: 36 ]

[ Exp: 5000 / 260,000 ]

[ HP: 8000 / 8000 ]

[Magic power: 36,000/ 36,000 ]

[ Stamina: 260/260 ]

[ STR: 170 ]

[VIT: 290 ]

[ INT: 85 ]

[ Agility: 365 ]

[ Defense: 160 ]

[ Charm: 271]

[ Luck: 22 ]

[ Skill points: 13 ]

[ Quest points: 4,680 ]

Skills: Ice Magic <21>, Healing Magic <20>, Revival <6>, Mind Shatter <1>, Death Magic Gunner's Despair <15>, Sniper Shot <5>, Guncicles <14>, Smooth Trigger Pull <30>, Enraged <1> , Magical Arsenal <2>, Sharp Eyes <3>, Improved Critical <3>, Ace Kick <2>, Rejuvenation <1>, Illusory Reality <1>, Magical Resistance <3>, Quick Dodge <3>, Quick Shot <2>, Sprint <2>, Double Jump <4>, Ghost Feet <2>, Air Dash <1>, Night Walker <1>, Multicast <3>, Crystalline Rose <3>, Crystalline Tears <1>, Initiate Spell Casting<3>, Ring of Light <5>, Headshot <4>, Explosive Bullet <4>, Smell Fear <3>, Bond With Elements <1>.

Wind Magic <1>, Earth Magic <1>, Fire Magic <6>, Water Magic <2>, Dark Magic <5>, Invisibility Magic <2>, Light Magic <5> ]

"Seriously, what's up with these flashy gun skills? Didn't I explicitly tell her to be more mindful about spending her skill points? Ugh, why do I have to deal with such a frustrating master!" Eva lamented, scratching her head in frustration, while carefully examining Aurianna's stats.

"And how in the world did her charm increase so drastically? I don't recall charm being capable of such rapid growth," Eva's eyebrow arched in confusion as she noticed the significant difference in the stat.

"Did this brat secretly acquire a charm skill?!" Eva exclaimed, pulling at her hair in exasperation.

"No, I don't see any purchased charm skill. Then how did she manage to achieve this? And why on earth did she choose to be a Gunner Mage?" Eva pondered aloud, her mind filled with questions.

"Moreover, her proficiency in light magic is exceptionally high. I suppose being the White Diamond grants her a natural affinity for Light Magic," she mused.

Letting out a weary sigh, Eva concluded, "Well, I suppose it's about time I bring her back from her training session."

Stretching her body, Eva's customary Pearl attire, complete with a dress, materialized around her. She had been slumbering in her nightgown, patiently awaiting Aurianna's growth. It was essential for her to appear composed and presentable. The Pearl attire floated gracefully towards her, enveloping her form without the need for a spoken command.

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