Chapter 77: Past Memories 2

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"Big brother Neil we can't do this anymore, we're so tired!" The wails of despair echoed through the dimly lit room, as the group of eight children huddled together, their delicate bodies trembling with exhaustion and fear, while their clothes were covered in soot.

Neil watched over them with tearful eyes, his heart ached because he knew their pain as well. He reached out with a gentle finger to pat their tousled heads, his own hand shaking with emotion. With a deep sigh, he rose to his feet, his eyes fixated on the bleak landscape beyond the window. The once peaceful scifi land full of knowledge and happiness, was now a flaming base as everyone in the world worked tirelessly to manufacture weapons of all kinds and sizes.

The Regals, the tyrannical overlords of this apocalyptic world, loomed above them, their twisted faces contorted into cruel sneers. They cracked their whips with glee, meting out brutal punishments to the gems for every perceived mistake.

Neil balled his fists, the anger and determination coursing through his veins, as he strode back to his seat. His hands glowed and immediately a scifi weapon was procured before him. The scifi weapon glimmered with a sinister aura, its sleek design belying the deadly power it held.

He immediately handed it to the children who carried it over their heads.

"We are going to escape," Neil communicated to the children's minds, his voice heavy with determination. The children's eyes widened with wonder and hope as they gazed at him.

"Spread the word, we are escaping tonight under our master, Gray Diamond's order," Neil whispered, his lips curling into a wry smile. The children nodded, a newfound sense of purpose filling their hearts as they ran off with the weapon, determined to spread the word.


"Evacuate the gems! We must protect them at all costs!" Gray Diamond's voice thundered through the air, as the precious gems dashed behind him, fleeing into the safety of several colossal spaceships that awaited them before a foreboding gray portal.

Gray Diamond's hair, the same hue as a rare gray gem, shimmered in the light, while his eyes blazed with a fury that could not be contained. He raised his hands high above his head, beckoning the approaching horde of Regals with a single gesture.

In an instant, the Regals froze in place, stunned by the sight of several floating clocks that suddenly appeared around them, causing them to panic. Gray Diamond flicked his fingers, and several enormous books materialized in the sky, glowing with an eerie light.

"Perish!" Gray Diamond roared, and with a wave of his hand, the books sprang open, unleashing mighty golems that towered over the Basalts in size and strength. These golems were replicas of Gray Diamond himself, and their eyes glinted with a cold, deadly determination.

The golems grasped pens and began furiously scribbling in the books, weaving intricate symbols and runes that pulsed with otherworldly power. With a fierce swipe of their mighty hands, the golems unleashed devastating explosions that wiped out some of the Regals, but most still stood, their dark hearts filled with malice and hatred as they launched themselves at the golems in a frenzied assault.

The golems held their ground, defending the precious gems below with all manner of weapons at their disposal, pushing back against the Regals' relentless assault. The air was thick with the sounds of war, the clash of weapons, and the screams of the dying, as Gray Diamond stood firm in the midst of it all, his body enveloped by an impenetrable aura of energy.

"Reconstruction!" Hematite's voice boomed out, as several orbs of brilliant light hurtled towards the Regals, striking their bodies and weapons. The moment the orbs made contact, the Regals' bodies turned into a gray light, and they transformed into tiny dolls, which the other fighters sliced into pieces with ruthless efficiency.

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