Chapter 102: Church day 2

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As Aurianna struggled to contain her laughter, the sheer audacity of her prayers sent waves of amusement through her. Oh, the look on Paige's face if any of her outlandish wishes were to actually come true!

Once the church service concluded, Aurianna's countenance transformed, radiating a sense of rejuvenation that captivated the attention of those around her. Admiring gazes fell upon her, drawn to the refreshed expression she wore like a badge of honor.

Amid the glances of admiration, a mischievous thought crossed her mind, accompanied by a sinister chuckle. "Thank the heavens. It's good that gods and goddesses can't read minds," she whispered to herself, her voice dripping with amusement.

Feeling the weight of service lift the worries from her shoulders, Aurianna savored the moment of tranquility. "Ah, I feel so refreshed," she confessed with a self-assured grin, her body instinctively stretching in response to the newfound vitality coursing through her veins. "There's no denying the peace that settles in our hearts when we offer our prayers to the goddess," she said with a sarcastic tone.

'However, the only goddess I'll respect is Azarath,' Aurianna thought to herself, and her eyes narrowed with scrutiny as they fell upon the hooded priest stationed at the pulpit.

Her attention swiftly shifted as Head Priest Hotron took center stage, his vibrant enthusiasm filling the room. With an infectious smile, he addressed the congregation, announcing the moment of indulgence that lay ahead.

"Now, it's time for the highly anticipated sharing of Flour Cake Chatte! A symbol that despite our social standings, we can all mingle together and enjoy this cake!" Priest Hotron's voice resonated with excitement, causing Aurianna's ears to perk up and her gaze to sharpen.

Priest Hotron gracefully made his way towards the pulpit, prompting the hooded priest to respectfully step aside, granting him the spotlight. Aurianna's eyes followed their every movement, her anticipation growing with each passing moment.

Caught in a moment of delicious anticipation, Aurianna's focus shifted to the entrance of the auditorium, her gaze fixated on the group of church workers entering with trays adorned with an abundance of pink cake. The aroma wafted through the air, causing her taste buds to tingle and a hint of drool to escape her lips.

She could hardly contain her excitement as the church workers positioned themselves strategically, ready to distribute the tempting confection to the eagerly awaiting congregation. The sight of the pink cake elicited a sparkle in Aurianna's eyes, as her mind danced with visions of savoring each delectable bite.

( Church workers are called deacons. )

"The only reason I look forward to church day!" Aurianna exclaimed with a mischievous grin. As the sharing begun, a passing deacon kindly offered her a slice of cake, and she accepted it happily with a broad smile. However, Aurianna's appetite was far from satisfied with just one measly slice. Her eyes locked onto the tray, and with lightning-fast reflexes, she made an attempt to snatch another piece. But alas, the vigilant deacon intercepted her, holding her hand and flashing a passive-aggressive smile.

"Princess, you've already had your fair share of cake, and I distinctly recall forbidding cake theft within the sacred walls of the goddess's house. You can be as greedy and mean as you like, but gluttony is where I draw the line," the deacon chided, his words dripping with a hint of sassiness.

Aurianna's glare intensified before she turned away with a huff of frustration.

"Can't he just spare me one extra slice of cake?" Aurianna grumbled between bites of the delectable treat. Each mouthful seemed to lift her spirits, if only momentarily.

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