Chapter 80: Outburst

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A sinister grin curled on Aurianna's lips as she remembered Leila's words. Her amusement quickly soured into a scowl as she vanished from sight, returning to her dimly lit chamber. The full moon's rays bled into the room, casting flickering shadows across the walls.

"Hah, Leila," she scoffed with a bitter edge in her voice. "You speak like a naive child, fighting for the sake of others. You speak the words of a fool!!" The veins on her face bulged as her anger boiled within her.

"You'll surely regret those words one day," Aurianna growled, with a sudden motion, she snatched a vase from a nearby table, and hurling it to the ground, the sound of shattering pottery echoing through the chamber.

"I was kind, honest, and selfless, all for the sake of others," she ranted, her voice rising with each word. "But what did I get in return? Life screwed me over, and it took everything from me!" Her final words were punctuated by a powerful punch that obliterated the wall, sending debris flying across the room.

"Appreciate the good things in life?" Aurianna's laughter was bitter and twisted, her eyes wild with rage as she smashed the mirror before her with her bare hands.

"The good things in life that happened to me in the last life was nothing but a cruel lie! Fake!" Aurianna's words dripped with venom, her fists slamming down upon the furniture with savage fury.

Aurianna's eyes blazed with fury as she raged against the illusion of happiness. With a silent luagh, she lunged at the other ornate mirror before her, the glass shattering into a thousand glittering shards as she tore it apart with her bare hands.

"It was all a sham," she spat, her voice raw with emotion. "Fake friends, fake family, fake kind servants, fake heroes!" Her words echoed through the chamber as she unleashed her wrath upon the objects around her, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

"The good things? They were a lie!" Aurianna howled, her body trembling with anger. "I can hardly remember them now. Even if I see the bad in everything it's better than seeing the good in everything. At least then I won't be fooled by the false glitter of a happy world." With a sudden lunge, she brought her foot down upon the marble floor, the ground quaking beneath her as the stone shattered and cracked,

"It is better to see the world for it's true colours than to delude myself with false hope!"

In the aftermath of her tantrum, Aurianna stood amidst the wreckage of her chamber, breathing heavily, as she bit her lips and held in her tears. Her rage had left her feeling drained and hollow, her heart blackened.

As the dust settled and silence descended upon the room, "I have always known that the world was a cruel and unfeeling place, but i wanted to try and cling to the hope that there might be something worth holding onto…..Something to prove my theory wrong, yet there's nothing. When everything becomes so clear, it becomes easier to accept that I was once a stupid fool."

She clutched at her chest and sat down on her couch, trying to quiet the rising emotions that raged within her. "Fake... all fake," she muttered, the words falling from her lips. A flicker of doubt nagged at her, a small voice whispering that perhaps there had been moments of genuine warmth and joy. She remembered how she played with the people, and always had what ever she wanted when growing up. But Aurianna crushed that thought beneath the weight of her bitterness, unwilling to entertain even a shred of hope. The pain of being burnt by magical fire was etched into her memory. And the joyous screams of the crowd made her grip her palms till they bled.

Aurianna's voice was low and seething with resentment as she spoke. "Happiness, love, joy," she scoffed, her veins bulging with fury. "That is what people enjoy on top of chaos." She sneered as she continued, "And when the wars come, those who benefit revel in their victory, basking in the warmth of their country's success while turning a blind eye to the suffering of others.

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