chapter 127

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The horde broke up, more than half going towards the sound of the horn. She tried to get the attention of the walkers, but it was no use.

She met up with the others, and Rick came up with a new plan,

"I go back, get the RV, circle around the woods on Redding. I'll get in front of them before they get there. I can lead them away again." 

"RV's a mile back. I can go with you." John offered,

"I'll handle it. Just get home." Rick shot him down, "They might need you there."

"You can come with me. I can get you to the RV quicker." Marcie stated,

Rick nodded before motioning for her, Glenn, and Michonne to step to the side,

"If something's in front of you, you kill it. No hiding, no waiting. You keep going." He informed them, "You guys need to get them back. Thing is, they aren't all gonna make it."

"Rick..." Michonne began to argue,

"You try to save them, you try, but they can't keep up, you keep going. You have to. You make sure you get back." Rick ordered,

Marcie swallowed nervously. Out here, if you weren't strong, you wouldn't survive. It was about time that these people learned that.

But they shouldn't be punished for risking their lives to protect their community.

A man's screams broke her from her thoughts, and they ran towards the source. Matt, one of their group, was being attacked by a walker. It had latched onto his throat, and they tore the walker away before stabbing it in the head.

Matt laid in the leaves, choking on his own blood. Marcie stared down in horror as Michonne put him out of his misery.

Rick grabbed her shoulder, "C'mon, we don't have time to waste." They went back over to Buttons and slid on, 

"Stay safe." She told Glenn and Michonne before they rode off.

Reminded her of years ago, before Atlanta. When Rick and Marcie ran out of gas and hide to ride the horse into the city. They were only a half mile down the road when they stopped, spotting a few walkers feasting on one of their people.

"Rick, Marcie, it's Glenn." They heard over the radio as they took out the rotters, "We're in a town five degrees east of the green marker. If you get around on Redding in the next 20 minutes, you should be good. I think that's how far we're ahead of the herd. I'm gonna try to set a fire and distract them. If you don't see smoke, they're still coming your way. I got to go. Good luck, dumbasses."

Marcie smiled at Glenn's words, watching as Rick grabbed the bag and the man's gun. She raised the radio to her mouth, "Sounds like you're the bigger dumbass. Thanks, Glenn See you at home."

She turned to Rick, who reopened his wound on his hand, "You good?"

He nodded, hopping back on Buttons behind her, "Let's go."

It didn't take much longer before they got to the RV. Rick ordered her to get back to Alexandria, to figure out what was going on. She wished him luck before riding off.

What if there was nothing to go back to?

Finn Davis kept his grip on Scott, with Heath on the other side, as Michonne led the group back to the Alexandria. 

But once they got to the bell tower, all their hearts dropped.

A large semi had driven through the building, and was planted into the metal wall. They could see smoke on the other side of the wall and Finn wasn't sure if he wanted to see what was going on past the gates.

Heath went to take Scott to the infirmary, and Finn took off towards his home.

"Help!" He saw Debbie on the porch, Liam crying next to her, "We need help, please!"

"Debs!" Finn bound up the steps and wrapped his arms around the kids, grateful that they were okay, "What's going on? Where's Viv?"

"She's bleeding." Debbie sobbed, "She went to find Carl and Judith, and we found her like that."

Finn let go of his sibling and walked slowly towards the front door, which was wide open. He walked through the entry way and spotted the large pool of blood on the floor, along with two bodies,

"Viv." He rushed over to her, his hands hovering over the knife in her side, "Viv." Her eyes were closed, and his heart jumped into his throat. Finn pressed to fingers into her neck, trying to find her pulse.

She couldn't be dead, she just found them again. Their entire family went through hell, and we separated, and by some sort of miracle, she found them. 

And after loosing Emmett and Isaac, they couldn't lose her. Vivian was their glue, their rock.

And if she dies, Finn wasn't sure how any of them would recover.

There was a gentle beat under her skin, and tears filled his eyes, "She's alive." He whispered, "Debs, she's alive!"

He lifted his older sister into his arms, careful of the knife. He knew they shouldn't remove it, not until Denise says so. It was something he learned living in the ghetto, never remove a blade from a wound. It could be plugging a hole and keeping you from bleeding out.

He needs to keep Vivian from bleeding out.

Finn brought her outside, and ordered Debbie to follow them to the infirmary.

The four of them entered, seeing Scott and Tara already there. Tara immediately got a bed ready for her and Finn set her down, "Oh, shit." Tara whispered, not expecting to see her friend in such a vulnerable state.

Vivian was always the strong, smart one. She could always find a way out of a situation unharmed. But the Wolves clearly got the best of her.

"Is she going to be okay?" Debbie asked, wrapping an arm around Finn,

"We're gonna try our best." Tara stated, staring at Denise who seemed to be in a panic, "Right?"

The blonde woman nodded, "Yeah, yeah, um..."

"Denise!" Finn yelled, getting her attention on him, "Can you do this?"

"Yes. Yes, I can do this." Denise stated in a more confident tone.

"Good. Because we need her."

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