chapter 19

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Jacqui had stayed behind in the CDC, leaving T-Dog and the others devastated. She was a good woman, strong. It was a shame she went out the way she did.

They left a few cars behind. Daryl opted to ditch his truck, and drove his brother's motorcycle while Marcie offered to keep his stuff in Vivian's car. Shane and T-Dog left their vehicles and stayed in the RV with most of the group.

Marcie held Daryl's bag,"Don't your arms get tired on that thing?" Marcie asked the redneck, who was revving the bike,

He just stared at her and she nodded, "Yeah, okay." She sighed before walking away.

Marcie had decided to stay with the group. She was hoping that if there was a refugee camp at Fort Benning, that maybe her parents were there.

She sat in the passenger seat, playing with her bracelet before glancing over to Vivian, "I had to put my best friend down, too, you know." Vivian tightened her grip on the steering wheel, "At the very start, I went to find her so we could go home... and I went into her room and there she was. Dead. But, still standing. Her eyes were clouded over and I knew something was wrong." Marcie sighed, "She never stood a chance."

"'M sorry about your friend."

"I'm sorry about yours too." Marcie sighed, "Lexi wasn't meant for this world. And after seeing what the bite really does to you... I just hope it was quick."

"That's all we really can hope for." Vivian replied,

"How long were you and Jillian friends for?" Marcie asked,

"We grew up together. In Chicago. She was the smart one, she got out. Married a nice man, had a beautiful baby. I was out here visiting her when shit went down." Vivian explained, "Left my family to deal with this shit alone."

"Are they strong?"

Vivian smirked, "Yeah. They're badass."

"Maybe we'll find them one day." Marcie offered,

"'M sure we will." She sighed, glancing back at the sleeping Liam in the rear view mirror,

They had gotten a ways out of the city, only fields and woods for them to gaze at as they drove. Eventually the RV came to a stop and the Cherokee and Vivian's car followed suit,

Ahead of them on the highway was a traffic snarl. There was a panic and people abandoned their cars or died inside them. Either way, it was an issue.

They slowly weaved through the cars and Marcie's stomach turned at the sight of the dead bodies in the seats.

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