chapter 44

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After firing the flare, she climbed a tree to avoid the hoard, eventually passing out from blood lost and exhaustion. 

She wasn't sure how long it's been, but the sun was up, so it had been at least twelve hours. Twelve hours since Shane had shot her, and they lost the farm.

She hoped everyone made it out.

With a whimper, Marcie checked on her wound. Rick was right, it did go right through. And since she wasn't dead, that means it didn't hit any organs. All she had to do was close the two wounds. But since she had no medical supplies with her, she needed to close it with a hot knife.

Checking to make sure there were no walkers nearby, she began to climb down. Marcie gripped her knife and limped further away from the farm.

It only took a few minutes before Marcie came across a biter. Luckily, it was alone. Before it could get close, Marcie lunged at the corpse, knocking it to the ground. With a grunt, Marcie stabbed it in the head over and over again.

She sat on the ground, sobbing.

She was all alone, once again. No group. No family. She was hurt, physically and emotionally.

Fuck Shane. Fuck Randall. Fuck Tony and Dave for coming into the bar that night. Fuck Hershel for going to the bar. And fuck Shane again for opening the barn and killing Hershel's reanimated family.

But what was she going to do? Sit here and feel sorry for herself as she bled out?

No... she has to find her family. She has to find Daryl.

Marcie gripped her knife and cut the walker's torso open. She made sure her wound was completely covered before digging her hand into the corpse, scooping out guts and rotting insides.

She didn't have the speed and stamina anymore. Not until she's healed. Until then, she had to resort to disgusting survival techniques.

She began covering her clothes and skin in walker guts. Once Marcie was satisfied, she slowly stood.

"Okay, Marcie. You can do this." She whispered to herself before walking away from the corpse that laid on the forest floor.

It took a lot of effort. Marcie was tired, hungry, dehydrated. She felt defeated. But she wasn't ready to give up.

At least, that's what she kept telling herself.

Her body had a different response.

Every walker she came across ignored her, which was what she was hoping. She couldn't  take another fight.

She walked for what seemed like hours before Marcie came across what resembled a building. It looked like an old cabin, but was severely rundown. She didn't care as long as it gave her some shelter, and a place to let her heal.

With a grunt, Marcie collapsed against a wall. Slowly, she untied her flannel and lifted her shirt to expose her wound, which was still oozing blood.

"Alright. Time to take care of you." She grunted before reaching into her pocket and pulling out Daryl's lighter that he gave her,

She set it on the ground and began cleaning her knife, ridding it of any infection that she could bring upon herself.

Once clean, Marcie grabbed the lighter again. She flicked it, causing a flame to appear. She held the flame to the knife, heating up the metal.

Once it glowed orange, she put the lighter down and pressed the metal to her skin, "Fuck!" She whimpered and pressed her fingernails into her palm.

She held it for a moment before pulling away, the stench of burning flesh was too much.

Marcie panted, grabbing the lighter again, "One more time, you can do it." She encouraged herself.

She lifted her back off the wall and lit the blade once again, "C'mon." Marcie whispered before pressing the knife to her exit wound, "Shit!" It hurt worse the second time.

Marcie dropped the knife when she couldn't take the pain anymore and lowered her shirt. She rested her head against the wall, ready to fall asleep.

"I'll find them in the morning." She whispered before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

Marcie woke up with a gasp as someone shook her. She searched for her knife but stopped when she spotted the blonde in front of her, "Andrea?" Marcie wrapped her arms around her, "Oh, my god, you're alive." She pulled away, "Where are the others? Are they okay?"

"I... I don't know, I got separated from them." Andrea glanced down at her, "What happened to you?"

"Long story." Marcie gave her a sheepish smile, "How did you find me?"

"We saw the flare." She answered,

"'We'?" A dark figure stood in the doorway and Marcie turned her head to see a clocked figure, "Um... hi?"

"Marcie, this is Michonne. Michonne, this is Marcie, from my group." Andrea introduced.

The cloaked figure removed the head covering to reveal a dark skinned woman, "You look like shit."

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