chapter 35

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It had been a week since the incident in town. Randall, the guy from the other group, had been chained in the shed during that time, healing.

And now Hershel gave him the all clear.

Rick and Shane had left earlier that day, driving 18 miles out to drop the guy off.

Daryl had been nicer, but it wasn't the same as before. Not yet at least. He hadn't kissed her again. He usually went out hunting during the day, only returning after Marcie had gone to bed.

The door opened behind her and Maggie stepped out. Beth had kept a knife that she was given at lunch and luckily, Lori found it before Beth had gotten a chance to use it. The two sisters had spent the afternoon screaming at each other,

The older Greene sister sighed before sitting down next to Marcie,

Vivian sat on the bottom step, Liam playing in the dirt in front of them.

"Glenn said he froze out there." Maggie stated,

Marcie shrugged, "I wouldn't say froze. Took a breather behind a dumpster, maybe. I mean, he was being shot at."

"He blames me."

Both Vivian and Marcie turned to look at Maggie, "What?"

"He said I got into his head." Maggie replied,

Marcie shook her head, "Men..." She scoffed, "always blaming women for shit that had nothing to do with them. Look, what happened out there, happened. What matters is that he came back alive."

"Maybe I-"

Vivian turned slightly to look at the farm girl, "Look, do you have anything to apologise for?" Maggie shook her head, "Well, then tell him to man up and pull himself together... except don't use the phrase 'man up'. It never goes well. I figured out that one from my brothers."

The three girls smiled.

"Daryl kissed me."

"What?!" Maggie and Vivian turned to her, "When?"

"Last week. After we got back from town. I was upset and he just... kissed me." Marcie explained, "Hasn't looked at me since."

"Daryl Dixon making the first move." Vivian smirked, turning back to Liam, "Who woulda thought."

"Maybe all the men are having their male version of PMS." Maggie joked, "They're all synced together like women do."

Marcie smiled, "Well, can Shane get over it soon? I feel like he's had PMS since we got to this farm."

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