chapter 87

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It was the end of summer, and the temperature began to cool. They didn't have the clothing to keep the children warm. They had to rely on body heat and fires at night.

Now that there were the same amount of adults as children, they could have fires, and be able to take watch shifts.

It also gave Vivian a sense of security. It wasn't just her and Tyreese fighting to keep four children alive. Keeping them safe, finding them food, keeping them hydrated.

But providing them with shelter was the hardest part. There was nothing but woods around them, or small building filled with wild animals or mildew. Not a place they want to sleep in.

"You smell that?" Carol asked as they walked along the tracks, the girls in front of them keeping Liam between each other, holding his hand,

Marcie was ahead of them, carrying the diaper bag in one hand and a knife in the other. She was eager to get to Terminus, to find their people.

Vivian didn't blame her.

"Yeah." Tyreese responded, adjusting Judith in his arms, "There's a fire somewhere."

She took a deep breath through her nose, inhaling the scent of smoke. Back in Chicago, before the outbreak, the smell would mean a bonfire somewhere. Her neighbourhood was known for their block parties, setting old cars on fire and drinking alcohol around it out of red solo cups.

The memory made her miss her siblings even more.

She wondered if they made it out, if they were alive.

"Must be a big one. It isn't anywhere around here." Carol commented,

Marcie paused and glanced over to her right, there was a small clearing next to the tracks, free from any foliage, "We should stop here." She looked back at the others, "We need to look for water."

"I can do it." Tyreese offered as the rest of them caught up to her,

She shook her head, "Nah, I can do it. Rest your arm." She motioned to his bandaged arm that he injured back at the prison, "Carol and I can look while you guys rest."

"We should spread out, widen the search area. Mika can help me." Carol suggested, giving Marcie a look and the brunette woman nodded,

Once the kids were settled, Marcie set off by herself to search for water while Carol and Mika went in the opposite direction.

Vivian didn't want Marcie going off alone, but she insisted she would be fine, that she wouldn't go too far.

And she didn't. Marcie wandered, not finding any signs of a water source. The ground was dry, devoid of any life. Dried up leaves littered the dirt, camouflaging any evidence of animals that may have passed by.

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