chapter 05

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"Broadcasting on emergency channel. We'll be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. Anybody reads, please respond." He paused, waiting for a response, "Hello. Hello. Can anybody hear my voice? Anybody out there? Anybody hears me, please respond. Hello, can you hear my voice?"

"Maybe you need to say 'over' like they do in the movies." She suggested, "So they know you're done talking? Or use codewords."

Rick gave her a look and she smiled, "Just a suggestion."

"Anybody who reads, please respond. Broadcasting on emergency channel. We'll be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. Anybody reads, please respond." No one answered.

"There has to be more people out there." Rick stated,

Marcie nodded, "There are... but they're probably blocking signals, who knows. They were broadcasting saying to head to Atlanta, but they stopped a while back. Maybe their radios are down."

"Let's hope that's the case."

He looked over at her, "You said your parents are in Atlanta?"

Marcie nodded and let out a small laugh, "It's funny, cause I was in Atlanta to start with." She looked over at him, "Senior year at Georgia State. When shit went down, I drove back home to find my family. Turns out, they had already left for Atlanta. I've been trying to get back in for a while now, but I couldn't find the refugee center. Not to mention my car makes too much noise, I didn't want to draw attention."

"You're good at thinking ahead." Rick said,

Marcie shrugged, "You have to, in this world. Otherwise, you're dead. Also I've seen a lot of zombie movies."

It didn't take long for the car to run out of gas. Rick sighed and turned the car off before reaching into the sun divider to grab a photo of his family, "She's pretty." Marcie whispered,

"She's beautiful. They both are." He told her, "Let me see your piece."

Marcie reached into her bag to pull out her pistol. She handed it over to Rick, who observed it, "It's a good piece. It's fully loaded." He held it between them to show her how it worked, "Pull back to make sure a bullet is in the chamber, make sure safety is off. You got more rounds?"

She nodded, "I got a box in my bag."

"Good. Hopefully, you won't need them." He popped the trunk and they duo got out.

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