chapter 66

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"Let me guess, you named her Lil' Asskicker?" Marcie joked, not even glancing towards Daryl as he watched them,

He shrugged, "Seemed fitting."

"You can't leave without meeting Little Asskicker." Carol called out and Marcie turned to see Andrea climbing the stairs towards them,

"May I hold her?"

"Of course." Marcie passed the baby off into Andrea's arms and gave Judith a small smile, "We should leave soon. I'll go say my goodbyes."

Andrea nodded and Marcie grabbed Daryl's hand, leading him down the stairs. In the courtyard, she gave everyone, excluding Merle, a hug before turning to Rick, "Hey, take care of yourself, okay? You look like shit."

He nodded, "I'm sorry... for leaving you behind, I-"

"I told you to go." Marcie gave him a comforting smile and squeezed his arm, "Don't feel guilty about what happened on the farm. We're both alive, aren't we?"

Large metal doors opened and Glenn drove a car inside that belonged to the prison. He got out and gave Marcie's shoulder one last squeeze before handing her the keys,

"Can you spare it?" She asked, looking over at Rick,


Marcie turned and gave Daryl a gentle kiss, "I'll be back." She whispered,

As much as she didn't want to go, she knew she needed to. She had family waiting for her in Woodbury.

He nodded, not building up the courage to speak, before taking a step back.

"Well, take care." Andrea told everyone before the two got into the car.

Rick stepped forward after they closed their doors and handed them their weapons, "Be careful."

Marcie nodded, "You, too." She glanced over at Carl, "And you... stop growing up." The boy smiled at her and she was glad he could still do that.

Tears filled Marcie's eyes as she drove up to the gate. The car came to a stop as she waited for Merle to open the gate. She turned her gaze to the rearview mirror, where the group was watching,

"We'll see them again." Andrea told her,

Marcie nodded, "I know."

It was nightfall by the time they got back to Woodbury. Men, some barely teenagers, lines the entrance holding rifles. And they were all aimed at them.

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