chapter 15

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"What if there's nothing left?" She asked quietly as they watched Andrea put her sister into the ground, "What if we go to the CDC and it's a dead end, then we go to Benning and it's gone, too? Where do we go then?"

Glenn glanced over at her, "Then we'll look for a new home."

"What if there's no where that's safe anymore?"

"We'll make someplace safe." He told her, "For all of us."

After the burial, Marcie made her way back to camp, the others following. She didn't know what to do, she didn't think anyone knew what to do. They were waiting for orders from Shane or Rick.

She began to go through the tents of the deceased. It felt dirty, but it was the only way she knew how to be useful.

Marcie had just finished with the second tent when she spotted Rick and Shane going into the woods, shotguns in hand.

She placed a hand on the handle of her hunting knife before following.

Marcie found Shane first. His gun was raised, he was aiming at something. She took a few steps to the side to see what he was aiming at.

In the distance, she spotted Rick.

There was no way he was trying to aim for Rick. Why would he want to shoot him, his best friend? Just because Rick had another opinion on what to do next?

There was a flash of white out of the corner of her eye and she spotted Dale walking over, his eyes scanning over Shane, trying to figure out his next more also.

Marcie stepped forward and cleared her throat, causing Shane to lower his gun and turn towards her,

"Marcie... what are you doing out here?" The officer asked,

"You guys have been out here for a while. Just checking in." She gave him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes,

He nodded, "Right." Shane turned back towards Rick, "Come on, man, let's go." Shane glanced towards her and Dale, "Nothing out here."

Rick gave her a nod as he followed Shane towards camp. If only he knew moments before his best friend held a gun to his turned back,

"You saw what I saw... right?" Marcie asked Dale,

"I sure did." He looked over at her, "Keep an eye out for him."

Vivian was with the group around the camp fire, Liam sitting in her lap against her chest, nibbling on a granola bar.

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