chapter 51

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She had a hot shower, cleaning her hair and scrubbing her skin. Her stomach was full and she had an entire bottle of water without thinking of rationing.

And despite being in a place she wasn't very familiar with, she didn't sleep with one eye open.

She glanced out the window and her eyebrows rose. Dozens of people were walking the streets, smiles on their faces.

It's almost like the world hadn't ended.

Marcie and Andrea got dressed in the fresh clothing that was left in their room before a woman came to their door, offering to take them on a tour before going to the Governor's (that's what the community called their leader) office.

"It's real." Andrea whispered as they walked down the street, 

"You three have been out there for a long time. While you were, the Governor was doing this." The woman, Robin, told them,

Everyone was so clean, so... healthy looking. As if they weren't fighting to survive, never starved or wondered if their water was clean enough to drink.

Didn't have to kill or be killed.

"How many people do you have here?"

"73." Robin answered, "Eileen's about to pop, so her kid will make it 74. Still a work in progress, but Rome wasn't built in a day."

"That's a bold comparison." Andrea commented,

"I think we've earned it. Walls haven't been breached in well over a month, we haven't suffered a casualty in the inside since early winter." She informed them,

"How's that possible?" Marcie questioned, seeing kids walking their dogs and women tending to a garden,

"Our Governor's set a strict curfew." Robin replied, "Nobody out after dark. Noise and light kept to the bare minimum, armed guards on the fence and controlling the perimeter to keep the biters away."

Marcie paused for a moment. She saw an older couple holding hands, rounding a corner and went out of sight.

She didn't get a good look at them, but the man looked like her father. But she shook her head, it was unlikely that they made it to Woodbury during the initial outbreak.

"I saw what your patrols do on the way in last night. They had a dead one strung up like an ornament." Andrea commented, drawing Marcie's attention back to the conversation,

"You okay?" Michonne asked her,

She nodded and gave her a small smile before coming to a stop beside Robin and Andrea,

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