chapter 121

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They were trying to find the source of the fire they saw the night before, finding the person or group.

Instead, they came across body parts.

They were too late.

Marcie had seen a lot of messed up things in the past couple of years. But someone being dismembered, and parts being missing, was a new one for her.

"Whoever did this took what was left with them." Daryl informed them, "This just happened."

Yards away, there was another body. A naked woman was chained to a tree, with her guts spilling out of her abdomen. Marcie had to fight to keep her breakfast in her stomach,

"She's tied up." Aaron commented, "And they fed on her. Tore her apart." He turned to Daryl, "This just happened?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

"How the hell did this happen?" Aaron asked himself,

Daryl stepped forward and lifted the woman's head to reveal a 'W' carved into her forehead. The same letter that was in the forehead of another walker the week before.

The woman's eyes opened, revealing that she had turned. Marcie handed her knife over to Daryl and he quickly put her down.

It was truly a horribly way to die.

The trio went back two their vehicles and continued on their way. The vibration from the bike shot between her legs and Marcie tried to squeeze her thighs together.

She let out a small whine and rocked back and forth, tightening her grip onto Daryl. The hunter noticed her fidgeting and turned his head as much as he could to see what was going on,

"You okay?" He asked over the sound of the wind in their ears,

"Mhmm." She mumbled, pressing her face into his back and trying to angle her hips just right.

Daryl slowed down the bike and waved Aaron through. He stopped to ask if they were okay, but the archer told him to keep going, to not lose the man's trail.

"What are you doing?" Marcie asked as Daryl put the kick stand down, but didn't turn the bike off,

He didn't answer as he got off, moving to stand behind Marcie. When she tried to turn to face him, he forced her to turn back around.

She bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud as he grabbed her hips and pressed them forward, pushing her down perfectly onto the vibrating seat.

"So this is wha's gettin' ya off, huh?" He mumbled into her ear, 

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