chapter 58

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She locked the front door of her parent's house and gazed outside through the window to the living room,

Despite the fires that were lit amongst the streets, it was still too hard to see what was going on.

Did walkers breach the walls? People?

"Marcella, what are you doing with that?" Her father asked, taking the gun from her hands, "Do you even know how to use that?"

"Did you hear the shots?" She replied, moving to the kitchen to grab a knife,

"Marcie, calm down. This place is safe." Her mother insisted,

"That wasn't a singular gunshot, it was multiple. They weren't taking out a biter, not one at least." Marcie stated,

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure it's nothing. I'll go check it out, you two stay here."

Marcie watched as her father left through the front door. She couldn't just stand around and do nothing.

She looked back at her mother, "I'm sorry." She told her before gripping the handle of the knife and following after her father.

Marcie walked up the street when she heard someone call out, "Someone help!" She jogged towards the doorway, where her father, the Governor, and Andrea were gathered around a man who was sitting in the doorway, blood leaking from his forehead,

"What happened?" The Governor asked,

"Guys came through with gun." He answered,

"How many?"

"I don't know." The man responded,

"Well, think." The Governor insisted,

"Six or seven guys. I've never seen them before." The man said before placing a hand on his aching head,

"Are we under attack? What should we do?" A woman questioned their leader,

The Governor stood as people began to gather around and he faced them, "Hey, hey, hey. Everyone, please just go home, lock your doors, huh? We need to keep everyone safe, okay? So just get inside, keep your lights off. Come on." He clapped, signalling everyone to go home.

They all began to split off while others with guns came over to listen to orders, "We're under attack. You fan out and you find these people. Don't take any chances, try and take prisoners. You shoot to kill, huh?"

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