chapter 41

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It made her itchy, but that was a better feeling than being in pain.

Her heartbeat was loud in her ears. She didn't hear the other gunshots. The sobbing, the begging.

"Hey, hey," Rick kneeled down beside her, his hands hovering over her gun shot wound, "It's gonna be okay."

"Shane-" Marcie gasped out,

"He's gone. It's over. We're safe." Rick told her, "We gotta get you back to the farm."

"It hurts... is that bad? That's bad, isn't it? Is it bad?" She asked, "I'm too scared to look."

Rick glanced down at the blood that was seeping out of the hole in her abdomen, "You'll have a cool scar."

She gave him a nervous smile, "Like Carl's?"

"Yeah, like Carl's." Rick nodded, "We need to stop the bleeding."

"My flannel." Marcie whimpered in pain as Rick helped her up. They worked together to gently take off her flannel and tied it around her waist to put pressure on her wound,

"Looks like it went right through. Just need to stop the bleeding and get it stitched." Rick stated, "Can you walk?" He asked and Marcie nodded,

He kept an arm around her, giving her stability as they slowly made their way back towards the farm.

Marcie glanced at Shane's body and she shivered. Not that he didn't deserve it, but she knew it was traumatising for Rick. Shane was his best friend. They had been through a lot together.

"I'm sorry." Marcie mumbled, "That you had to do that. It shouldn't have ended that way."

"There was no other way."

They barely made it to the edge of the field when they saw a small figure, "Dad?"

Carl. It was Carl.

Had he seen everything? Seen Rick kill a man he looked up to?

The young boy lifted a gun and aimed it in their direction. Where did he get a gun from?

Rick let go of Marcie and approached his son, "Just... just put the gun down. It's not what it seems. Please."

Carl pulled the trigger and Marcie flinched, fully expecting to have another bullet enter her body. But she heard a thud behind her and turned her head to see Shane's body on the ground, in a different place where Rick left him,

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