chapter 30

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Carol pushed Daryl off of her, and ran back towards the camp. No one blamed her, no one understood what she was going through.

Beth sobbed as she stepped forward, "Mom." She cried, pulling a walker off the corpse of her mother and kneeling beside her, "Mommy."

The walker growled as it reached for Beth, grabbing her arms and hair. Beth screamed in horror and a bunch of them jumped forward to help.

Marcie grabbed the pickaxe Shane used to open the barn and swung it through the head of Beth's mother.

The young blonde sobbed into her father's chest as Marcie dropped the pickaxe and turned to Shane, "You happy now?"

The Greene family headed back to their house and Shane was quick to follow, "Hasn't he done enough damage?" Vivian scoffed, watching as they all went after Shane. She turned to Marcie, "You coming?"

She shook her head, "She... she deserves a burial. So does their family. Someone should get started on it."

Andrea nodded, "I'll help, too."

Vivian gave them a nod before rushing after the rest of the group.

"We've been out... We've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along?" Shane called out, "You knew."

"Leave us alone." Maggie snapped at him,

Rick grabbed his arm, "Hey, Shane, just stop, man." 

"Get your hands off me." Shane spat at him, pulling away, "You knew and you kept it from us."

"I didn't know." Hershel spoke for the first time since the incident,

"That's bullshit. I think y'all knew." Shane pestered,

"We didn't know!" The oldest Greene daughter exclaimed, 

"Why was she there?!" He demanded,

Hershel turned towards him, "Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed."

Patricia opened the door to the house and Liam stepped out, "Mommy!" He ran towards Vivian and she quickly scooped him up and stepped away from the confrontation,

"You expect me to believe that? Do I look like an idiot?" He approached the old man and Rick held him back, 

"Shane, hey hey hey."

"I don't care what you believe!"

"Everybody just calm down." Rick begged, stepping between them,

"Get him off my land!" Hershel demanded,

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