chapter 54

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Carl was dragging his feet behind her while Maggie led them out of the maze. The gunshot still echoed in her head, the shot that prevented Lori from turning.

The shot that Carl took because Vivian wasn't strong enough.

She wanted to comfort him. But she just didn't know how.

She killed his mother.

Eventually they found the door that led to the cell block. Maggie placed her hand on Vivian's back and guided them to the door that led to the courtyard.

The baby continued to cry and Vivian knew she was hungry.But they didn't have anything for her, no formula or anything.

Her eyes found Rick's as everyone watched them walk out. He looked at her in horror, looking at the baby in her blood-covered hands.

He approached her slowly, dropping the axe in his hands and he shook his head.

Vivian's lips trembled, "I'm sorry."

Rick glanced between Carl, Maggie, and Vivian,  "Where is she? Where is she?" He walked towards the door and Maggie stopped him, 

"Rick, wait-"

She grabbed his arm and he turned to his son, who was staring at the ground, "No!" Rick began to sob and pace around,

He didn't know what to do, didn't know where to go.

Their leader collapsed under the weight of grief, laying on the concrete and sobbing. Vivian just stood there, not loosening her hold on the newborn, while muttering how sorry she was.

"Let me see the baby." Hershel ordered, and Maggie slowly approached Vivian, 

"Viv, it's okay, now. You can let go." Maggie whispered, taking the baby from her.

Once the newborn was safely in Maggie's arm, Vivian fell to her knees. She stared at the blood, Lori's blood, that stained her hands,

"I'm sorry." She continued to cry,

Maggie handed the baby off to Carl and he brought her over to Hershel,

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl questioned, taking over as leader since the other's were still in shock, "We got anythin' a baby can eat?"

"The good news is she looks healthy." Hershel stated as he looked over her, "But she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive."

Daryl shook his head, "Nah. No way. Not her. We ain't losin' nobody else. I'm goin' for a run."

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