chapter 73

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Vivian offered to drive Daryl's bike while he stayed in the truck, holding Marcie in his arms. She had passed out back in Woodbury, from the combination of blood loss and grief.

In the bed of the truck laid three bodies, covered with a long white sheet.

And behind the truck, was a large school bus.

Rick had made the right decision, bringing all the Woodbury people in. All that was left in the town were the elderly and the children... the innocent.

They had no one to help them survive.

The group approached them, staring at the bus as Tyreese and Karen helped everyone off the bus.

Vivian stepped out of the truck and smiled at Liam as the toddler ran towards her. She scooped him up into her arms and he squealed.

They didn't have to sleep with one eye open. They were safe from the Governor.

But they still had a lot of work to do. They had to rebuild.

Vivian stood there, Liam sitting on her hip, greeting the Woodbury people as they walked inside. Rick moved to stand by her, his hands in his pockets,

"I think... I think I need to step away for a while." Rick stated,

Vivian looked up at him. She agreed. Rick had so much on his plate, he needed time to let things settle. He never got to grieve Lori properly, never got to be with Judith. He got thrown into a war he didn't start, had to lead people to battle and not everyone made it out.

"I think that's a good idea, Rick." Vivian gave him a small smile,

"I want you to run things." Vivian's smile fell as he looked down at her, "I want you to choose a group, a council, to help you make decisions. We need to be better." He squeezed her shoulder, "We're not Woodbury, we're not the Governor. We're a democracy."

"Why me?" Vivian asked him,

"Because this community can't run without you." He smirked, "Because of Dale... and those prisoners... you see the good in people, you weigh the pros and cons before making the decision, and usually you make the right one. They need you." His gaze turned to his son, who was pouting in the corner, "And he needs me."

"They'll always be a place for you on this council, I want you to know that." She reached over to grab his hand, her finger brushing his wedding ring, "You got us here."

Meanwhile, Marcie laid in Daryl's cell, bandages covering some of her wounds.

Hershel had checked her over before giving her some strong pain medication to help with her busted ribs and dislocated shoulder. Daryl helped her into some clean clothes Maggie found for her before Marcie fell asleep.

It had been hours and she had yet to wake up.

Daryl refused to leave her side.

He sat next to her, holding her hand, or running his fingers up and down her arm. He didn't want her to wake up alone.

Vivian stood in the doorway, not wanting to intrude. But he heard her anyway, and turned to greet her.

"What's the verdict?" The brunette asked,

"Hershel said she'd be fine... physically." Daryl grumbled, "New people settle in?"

"They're getting there. We're clearing D block." Vivian walked into the room to speak to Daryl's face, "Listen... Rick's stepping down."

His head shot up, "Wha'?"

"He needs time. He's had too much on his shoulders and he's taking a step back before he snaps." She explained,

"Who's gonna run this place?" Daryl asked,

"Well, that's why I'm here. Rick put me in charge, wants me to create a council, a group that makes decisions in favour for the whole community. And I want you and Marcie on that council." Vivian told him,

Daryl moved his gaze back to Marcie, "Why me?"

"You've really stepped up this past year. You were Rick's right hand man, you helped keep us safe and alive. Rick would want you on the council."

The hunter looked up at her before nodding, "Yeah... yeah, alrigh'."

Vivian gave him a small smile before squeezing his shoulder as she exited the cell, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

They were like that for days. Marcie's medicine made her sleep while she healed, and Daryl was too scared to leave the cell.

He was afraid if he looked away, she would disappear.

Meals had to be brought to them, but they were rarely eaten.

On the third day, Marcie's eyelids fluttered open. Daryl's head laid on the mattress, his eyes closed. The brunette reached over with her hand and ran her fingers through his hair to wake him up gently.

He shot up, eyes wide. Marcie gave him a gentle smile,

"How ya feelin'?" Daryl asked, shuffling his chair closer to the bed frame,

"Is he dead?" Her voice was scratchy from not using it for a few days,

Daryl hesitated, not knowing how to answer. If Marcie knew the Governor was alive, he knew she would stop at nothing to get revenge.

"He's gone." He grunted, "It's over." She nodded, tears filling her eyes. Daryl brushed her hair back and wiped the tears from her cheeks, "Yer safe now." He mumbled,

"I couldn't protect them." She let out a whimper and Daryl crawled into bed next to her on the small mattress,

He held her to his chest and let her cry, just like at Woodbury. She gripped his shirt, burying her face in his scent.

She was safe, she was home. But now she didn't know what to do, her purpose was shattered right in front of her.

She had been searching for them for months, and she tried to lure them to safety.

Only to be ripped away from her.

Daryl continued to hold her. He knew she needed to grieve, and it was possible that it would take a while before she was okay again.

She was broken, but he was willing to help put her back together again.

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