chapter 91

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She instructed Liam to stay on the far side of the cabin, away from the man. She gave him a toy to keep him distracted for the situation at hand,

"She got a name?" The man asked them, but Vivian chose to ignore him, "Hey, she got a name?"

"Judith." Tyreese answered and Vivian narrowed her eyes at the larger man,

"I'm Liam!" The toddler spoke up and Vivian hushed him,

The man glanced at Vivian, "They your kids or something?"

"She's a friend." Tyreese answered,

"Huh." The man sighed, "I don't have any friends. I mean, I know people. They're just assholes I stay alive with. The other ones your friends? The women?"

Once again, Vivian refused to answer, only standing by the door with her arms crossed while Tyreese entertained the man's words,

"I used to have them. Used to watch football on Sundays. Went to church." He scoffed out a laugh, "I know I did. But I can't picture it anymore. It's funny how you don't even notice the time go by. Horrible shit just stacks up day after day. You get used to it."

"I haven't gotten used to it." Tyreese stated,

"Of course you haven't. You're the kind of guy who saves babies. It's kind of like saving an anchor when you're stuck without a boat in the middle of the ocean." The guy commented and Vivian narrowed her eyes at him,

Judith wasn't a burden. Liam wasn't a burden. 

They were a reason to live, in her eyes. Without them, she would've been dead by now. She wouldn't have fought so hard to live.

"Been behind some kind of walls, right? You're still around, but you haven't had to get your hands dirty. I can tell."

"We've gotten our hands plenty dirty." Vivian spat.

His eyes moved to hers, "You, I know you have. But him? See, you're a good guy."

"You have no idea about the things I've done." Tyreese stated,

"You're a good guy. That's why you're gonna die today. It's why she's gonna die today. It's why the kids are going to die."

Tyreese stood, a hard look in his eyes. Like Vivian, he would do anything to keep the kids alive.

"Or... you can get in that car, get out of here, keep on being lucky."

"You think you're gonna kill me?" Tyreese approached him,

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