chapter 68

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Eventually she decided that Glenn and Merle needed to be kept separated. She sent Glenn on watch to hopefully resolve the problem, and Maggie went to go join him.

She'll gladly hand the torch back to Rick once he returns. She was sick of the cat fighting.

Everyone went off to do their own things, and as long as they don't go into the courtyard, she was okay with it.

They could still be out there, the Woodbury people. Vivian didn't want anyone to die on her watch.

Vivian was sat in her cell, going through the children clothes that Rick brought back from their run the other day.  It was starting to get cold again, and Liam had outgrown all his winter clothes.

Not to mention they needed bigger clothes for when Judith grows. In her experience, it doesn't take newborns long to grow out of their onesies.

"You know I'm right." Vivian heard Merle say from outside the cells. She paused her folding, listening in on his conversation, "The folks here, they're strong, good fighters. But they ain't killers."

"Rick is." Michonne responded, "Maggie is. Carl put down his own mother."

"Mercy killing." Merle corrected her, "That don't make him an assassin."

"Mmm," The samurai hummed, "but you are."

"When I have to be." The older Dixon replied, 

"Then how do you explain letting me get away?" Michonne asked,

"I must have been seduced by your sterling personality." He joked, "You coming with me or not? Me and my brother, we have a few calls we use when we hunt. I'll give him a heads up. He'll warn the others. You shogun the Governor's ass, I'll take care of the rest. We'll be home before you know it."

Vivian didn't understand why Merle wanted a partner in crime so much. First he tried to recruit Glenn, and now Michonne? Back at the quarry, at the start, he had no problem going off on his own when Shane told him no.

So why now? 

"And what about Andrea? And Marcie?" Michonne questioned him,

"We all know Marcie will choose my brother. But blondie? Bullets fly, she's gonna have to make her choice real quick." Merle answered,

"You're on your own." The samurai replied, "You get people killed, it's on you."

Vivian smirked to herself. Michonne was really trying, she wanted to be apart of this group. She was making a true effort.

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