chapter 71

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Marcie grunted as the Governor landed another punch to her face, "Then, I'm gonna kill your parents. And then... I'm gonna kill you."

The only thing she could do was take it. The Governor had chained her wrists to posts above her head, forcing her on her knees. She couldn't fight back.

"If you touch them, any of them..." Marcie spat blood onto the cement floor and glared up at the Governor, "I will find you, and I will rip you apart."

The Governor smirked at her before leaving the room.

Marcie still hadn't seen her parents. The Governor had kept her tied up for days now, only coming in to torture her before leaving for hours at a time.

Each time he came in, he looked even more unhinged.

Marcie had been stabbed, slashed, kicked, punched, slapped. But she didn't break. She didn't beg for mercy.

She asked about Andrea. About the prison. About her parents. He didn't give her an answer each time.

Marcie wasn't ready to die. But she was afraid it might happen.

She hoped Daryl would avenge her. The Governor would suffer before meeting an untimely fate.

She hoped he would become one of the walking dead. He didn't deserve to be put down. He deserved to wander the Earth, searching for food until someone decides to take him out with a blow to the head.

Hours later, the door opened again. Marcie lifted her head and her eyes widened at the sight of her beaten parents being dragged into the room, "No!"

She pulled at the chains, putting strain on her shoulders, "Mama, papa! Don't hurt them, please!" Marcie begged,

The Governor stood there, a smirk on his face as his men dropped her parents onto the ground and left, shutting the door behind them.

"We're okay, mi stellina." Her mother coughed, being interrupted by the Governor kicking her in the ribs, "Everything is going to be-"


"I like seeing you beg." He approached her, 

"They didn't do anything." Marcie's voice broke, "It's me you have a problem with, please just let them go."

He kneeled down to be face to face with her, "Guilty by association." He whispered, gripping her jaw tightly, "You're associated with those mongrels in the prison. And they're associated with you. You're all guilty." He let go over her and stood, walking back over to her parents.

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