6x12 - 2009

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Spring 2009

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Spring 2009

I STOOD ALONE, waiting for mine and Jesse's drink as he went to the bathroom. Practice for Vocal Adrenaline was canceled for him, so he decided to take me to Lima to try this new coffee shop called the Lima Bean.

As I patiently waited for our drinks to be made, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Excuse me?"

I turn around and freeze as I become completely mesmerized by the girl standing before me.

"I'm Quinn." She introduces, and I smile.


"Are you from here? I don't think I've ever seen you around." She mentions.

I grin, "No, I'm from Akron."

Her jaw drops, "You drove two hours to get some coffee?"

"It wasn't my choice," I shrug, "my brother was the one who really wanted to try it."

She raises an eyebrow, "I don't see him around."

"Well, he's actually -"

"Sofia, I was gone for five seconds, and you couldn't even grab our drinks?" Jesse annoyingly says as he walks over to me, handing me my drink.

I awkwardly turn to Quinn, "Right here."

Jesse then starts making his way out, not caring that I was talking to someone. I turn to Quinn, and I sadly smile.

"Well, it was nice talking to you." I tell her as she smiles at me.

Before she could get any words in, I was already leaving the cafe, following Jesse to his car. That's when I accidentally bumped into this shorter girl, wearing an animal sweater and a plaid skirt.

"My bad." I apologize.

She rolls her eyes as she mumbles incoherent words as she walks into the cafe. I scoff before getting into my brother's car.

"You totally have the hots for that blonde girl."

"What!" I look at him shocked, "No, I don't, I'm not even gay."



A few weeks later

Once again, I sat in a far corner at the Lima Bean. This time, I came alone since Jesse was at practice for Vocal Adrenaline. The only reason why I decided to come back to Lima was because of one reason.

"So, the coffee is just that good, huh?"

I look up from my book to be greeted by the same green eyes from a couple of weeks ago. We both share a quiet laugh as she takes a seat in front of me.

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