4x04 - The Break-Up

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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING and Kurt and I were in the kitchen making some Croque madames

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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING and Kurt and I were in the kitchen making some Croque madames. Well mainly, Kurt, I was eating them.

Rachel and Finn were still asleep so we decided to just let them be.

Rachel then walks in, "Hey." she mumbles.

"Somebody slept late." I comment as I take a bite out of the sandwich Kurt made me.

"It's lunchtime. Do you want a Croque Madame?" Kurt asks.

"We didn't go to bed till late." Rachel informs us.

"Thank God for earplugs. I love you both but I don't want to hear any of that." Kurt mentions and I nod in agreement.

"We didn't do anything. He didn't even talk to me, we just, like, laid there." Rachel reveals

Just then Finn walks into the kitchen and sends us a small smile.

"I'm gonna take this down to the park and watch drug deals go down. It's good to see you again, Finn." Kurt says as he starts heading for the door.

"You, too, little brother." Finn comments.

"You know what, how about I join you, Kurt?" I ask as I grab my plate and head for the door with Kurt, "Bye, you two,"



Once Kurt and I slide the door closed we let out a huge sigh.

"That was something," I comment and he nods.


That night we all had decided to head to the karaoke bar, Callbacks. It was their first time going since I did suggest it to them.

I had also invited Stacy with us so now I was waiting for her to arrive as Rachel, Kurt, and I were getting ready trying to convince Finn into wearing something more formal.

"Dude, I'm not wearing a suit for a night out on the town. I didn't even bring a suit." Finn informs us.

"Then you can't wear Dad jeans and a rugby shirt to Callbacks." Kurt tells him.

Finn furrows his eyebrows, "What's Callbacks?"

"This amazing bar that all the NYADA students go to, and Friday nights are the best because everybody gets up and sings, and it's where we're going tonight, and it's gonna be great." Rachel explains.

"So I have to dress up to go to a karaoke bar?" Finn asks.

"Come on, Finn, we'll let you sing Don't Stop Believin', or something equally uplifting." I comment and he frowns.

"I don't... I don't know. I'm so out of practice, I haven't even sang in the shower since Nationals." Finn tells us and we frown.

Suddenly, there are a few knocks on the door, and I happily go to open the door with Kurt following behind.

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