5x03 - The Quarterback

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(The night of the call)

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(The night of the call)

"NO WAY IN HELL WE'RE WATCHING WEST SIDE STORY AGAIN," Santana commented as Kurt and Rachel groaned.

"Why not Santana? Usually, every time we watch a movie you and Sofia always run off to do God's know what," Kurt reminded her

I laughed while Santana looked away slightly embarrassed.

"Look, why don't we just go with my idea?" I asked and the three of them groaned.

"We are not binge-watching all seasons of Pretty Little Liars, Sofia," Rachel answered and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, whatever but I don't think you're gonna find anything as good as that," I commented as they continued to look for a good show or movie to watch.

Kurt's phone starts to ring, "Guys, keep looking for something, I'll be back,"

We all nod and continue chatting amongst ourselves looking for movies while he goes to pick up the phone.

"How about we watch a horror movie?" Santana asked.

All of a sudden, we hear a gasp come from Kurt as his eyes widen in shock. Our attention turns to him as we look at him in worry.

"Kurt? Who is it?"

"What happened?"

Kurt lowers the phone to his chest as he tries to fight back the tears, "It's Finn,"

He takes a long pause as we go to comfort him.

"He-he's dead."


It's been a couple of weeks since Finn's funeral and things haven't been or felt the same.

Finn was one of my close friends. He was also my ex-boyfriend but that was just a short silly high school relationship. The ones where you forget and get surprised when you hear it again.

He was also really sweet and yeah he had his moments but he always found a way to fix them.

He was our quarterback, our leader, and our friend.

Anyways, Mr. Schue called us saying he was planning on putting on something special for Finn and had asked us to be there if we were available.

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