3x07 - I Kissed A Girl

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"SOFIA, CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?" Jesse asks as he stood outside my bedroom door

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"SOFIA, CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?" Jesse asks as he stood outside my bedroom door.

"You practically already know," I answer as I lay on my bed.

"Can you just please tell me what happened at school?" Jesse asks.

I lay there debating whether or not to let him in. I mean he already knows about Quinn and I so it wouldn't be such a surprise.

I sigh and finally decided to get up and let him in. I open the door and he softly smiles at me but that smile soon disappears as he notices my state.

"Woah, what happened? Did Quinn break up with you?" He frantically asks as he pulls me into a hug.

"No, Quite the opposite actually. Quinn and I are doing amazing until Finn had to open his big ass mouth." I tell him and he looks at me confused.

"What did he do now?"

"He outed Santana and I in the hallway in front of the whole school. He basically outed Quinn and Brittany too, and Quinn wasn't ready to come out." I inform him.

"That asshole. I'm going to beat his ass!" He exclaims as he starts to head for the door.

I grab Jesse's arm and pull him back, "Wait, calm down. Santana and I sorta handled it." I mention.


"I slapped him first when he first outed us, then Santana slapped him last week when she decided she had enough of his bullshit," I answer.

"Did you guys not get in trouble?" He asks.

"I didn't since they were no teachers around but Santana did since we had just finished performing our mash-up and Mr. Schue was there. And you know how protective Mr. Schue is with Finn." I explain and he laughs.

"What do you think they're going to do to her?" He asks.

"I don't know but she'll tell me soon," I answer and he sighs.

"If she gets suspended we're going to jump Finn." He comments and I laugh.

As we're laughing I remember something causing my laughter to stop and he seems to notice.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I just remembered that there's going to be an ad airing about Santana and I's sexuality," I inform him and his eyes widen.

"You've got to be kidding me!"


It was the next day and Santana had told me that apparently, Finn had blackmailed her into combining both the TroubleTones and the New Directions for a week for one of his lessons.

If Santana said no then she would get suspended so Finn would still win either way.

Now both groups were sitting in the choir room wondering why Finn was writing Lady Music Week on the board.

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