1x01 - Pilot

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I PUT ON MY SHOES as everyone else got ready

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I PUT ON MY SHOES as everyone else got ready. Vocal Adrenaline was going to perform for invitationals and the audience was full. Last year we had won Nationals so it wasn't a big deal for us.

This makes us the number one show choir in the state.

"Are you ready for this?" Jesse asks and he fixes his hair.

This is Jesse's last year at Carmel High and I was next in line to be the star performer. Well the main one, since I'm already the star performer with Jesse.

"Yup, I'm ready," I respond as everyone goes and takes their spot on stage.

"Please give a warm Buckeye State welcome...to last year's regional champion, Vocal Adrenaline!" They announce and everyone claps and cheers as the curtains come up.

*Rehab - Sung by Jesse, Sofia, and Vocal Adrenaline*

In the end, they all clapped and cheered for us.


It's been a few days since we performed and Jesse and I were driving back from rehearsals that ended about 10 minutes ago.

"Did you hear the news?" Jesse asks.

"What news?" I ask confused.

"About a new glee club opening in Lima at this school called William Mckinley." He responds.

"Cool but why do I need to know this. It's not like they're better than us." I mention as Jesse enters a McDonald's drive-thru.

Even though we are on a strict diet, we both sometimes eat out secretly.

"Well, we don't know that." He says as we pull up to the speaker.

We place our orders and we pull up to the window to pay. Not even 5 minutes later we receive our food.

"So back to what we were talking about," he comments and I roll my eyes. "I want you to go check them out."

My eyes widen, "You want me to go to Lima to go see a new glee club that probably won't be as good as us?" I ask and he nods.

"No," I say taking a sip out of my drink.


"If you want to see them so bad why don't you go check them out yourself?" I ask.

"Well first of all I'm a very known face in the show choir community. Second of all, you're barely getting recognized, so they won't suspect a thing." He explains.

"Fine, I'll go," I say as I don't want him to remind me for the billionth time that he is the most known sibling.

"Thank you, sis. Now you better wake up early cause you are heading there first thing tomorrow morning." He says smiling and I groan.

We both eventually end up heading back home. Jesse went to go shower while I sat in the living room flicking to different channels. Eventually, I settle down on a random horror movie.

After sitting there for a few minutes I hear a knock at the door. It startles me since it's like 1 in the morning who would be at my door.

I get up slowly and head towards the door. I look through the peephole and see Quinn standing there, I let out a relieved sigh and open the door

"Quinn, what are you doing here at 1 in the morning?" I ask.

I met Quinn at a cafe one afternoon when rehearsal got canceled. We hit it off and started to see each other every day and soon start getting to know one another. Those days spent talking soon turn into days in each other's beds. She ended being me first. This got me really confused about my sexuality but we'll talk about that later.

"Shut up and just fuck me." She responds pulling me into a deep kiss.

I guess my night went unexpected.


It was the next morning and I was heading to McKinley like Jesse had asked me to. I was barely even awake since I basically running on 2 hours of sleep because Quinn paid me an unexpected visit last night. I honestly still don't know where she goes to school though.

Anyways, I had finally arrived at the school. I parked my car and put on my hoodie and a pair of sunglasses so no one would suspect a thing. Well, maybe just a student with a really bad hangover but whatever.

I walked in and it was immediately full, this was much different than Carmel High. It was crazier, that's when I realized. How the hell am I supposed to find the auditorium?

I decide to ask a few people around me, "Excuse me? Wheres the auditorium-" The person just walks past me.

"Damn, public schools." I mumble.

I then decide to approach this other dude, "Hello, do you mind giving me directions to where the auditorium is?" I ask.

"Uh, sure. Follow me." He responds and I smile. He starts leading the way when he decides to make small talk.

"So you new around here?" He asks and I panic but decide to go with the flow.

"Uh, yeah. Parents move a lot." I lie and he nods.

"Oh well, my name's Mike Chang." He greets sticking out his hand. I shake his hand, "Sofia."

"Well, I guess this is our stop. It was nice talking to you, I hope to see you around." Mike says smiling.

"Yeah, I hope so too." I say as he walks off.

Well, he was cute. All of a sudden I hear music coming from the auditorium so I decided to walk in. I see a couple of people wearing red dancing on stage which I'm guessing is the new glee club.

*Don't Stop Believing - Sung by the new glee club*

I stood there pretty impressed. They have potential but what they don't have is enough members. All of a sudden I hear someone clapping making me slowly duck under the chairs.

"Good, guys. It's a nine. We need a 10. Rachel, you need to hit the ones and the fives. Finn, I think if we worked on it, you could hit a high B." I guess the instructor tells them.

I decide to leave not knowing I was being watched by a certain blonde.

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