6x10 - The Rise and the Fall of Sue Sylvester

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IT WAS A NEW WEEK and I had just finished helping the New Directions with the choreography for their new number

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IT WAS A NEW WEEK and I had just finished helping the New Directions with the choreography for their new number. So now, Mr. Schue and I were seated in the auditorium getting ready to see the finished product.

Rachel was not able to make it since she went back to New York to ask Ms. Tibideaux for a second chance to let her back in NYADA.

I was totally on board with this plan considering we could go back to school and New York together.

*Rather Be - Sung by Jane, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, and the New Directions*

Midway through the song, Kurt and Blaine decided to join us in the auditorium since they'd just come back from their honeymoon.

"All right! Great job, guys." Mr. Schue cheered as they finished performing.

We both get up and start walking towards Kurt and Blaine.

I smile and nod, "Yes, guys that was really impressive. Thank you so much."

"Okay, now I know you guys probably still have vacation brain, but any pointers would really help us out." Mr. Schue asks the two but they stay quiet, "Guys, thoughts?"

I frown as I notice their somber moods, "Blaine, Kurt, what's wrong?"

"There was a fire at Dalton." Blaine reveals, "It burned to the ground. There's nothing left. Academy's gone."

Mr. Schue and I stare at him in shock as we try to register what we just heard.


It was the next day and previously we had a long discussion with Blaine, Kurt, Mr. Schue, and Rachel on whether on what to do with the Warblers.

Now, everyone was waiting in the choir room, wondering why we called them here last minute.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to this emergency Glee Club meeting." Mr. Schue says walking in, "Now, as I'm sure everyone in this room is aware of by now, Dalton Academy has burned to the ground."

"Now, we've gathered you all here today because Blaine, Kurt, Sofia, and myself have been talking, and...although just a moment ago, we could only see the Warblers as our competition, now it's time for us to see them as a friend and ally." Mr. Schue tells them, "We have made the decision to make some lemonade out of these lemons and join together as a show choir supergroup. This is an opportunity for all of us. We need them just as much as they need us."

"Where's Rachel?" Kitty asks confused, "Shouldn't she be here for this?"

"Uh, she is in New York on some business, but she'll be back soon." I informed her, "But she is totally on board with this plan."

"Well, okay." Kitty smiles.

Everyone else claps and they go welcome the Warblers.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Schuester, for your generosity." Blaine says, "It is in times like these that we can find comfort in the kindness of our friends."

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