6x01 - Loser Like Me

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THE LOUD OBNOXIOUS RINGING from my alarm clock, stirred me awake from my sleep

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THE LOUD OBNOXIOUS RINGING from my alarm clock, stirred me awake from my sleep. I groaned, remembering I had placed the alarm on the other side of my room since I knew I wasn't gonna get up if it was right next to me.

This wasn't a problem before but considering these past couple of months, going to sleep has been hard, but waking up has been harder.

I've been on my own for a couple of months since I decided to move back to Lima. Don't worry though, the only reason why I came back was to coach the Cheerios for my work-study program since I'm in my 3rd year of NYADA. Sometimes I even go help Mr. Schue choreograph dances for Vocal Adrenaline.

Over a few months, everyone just drifted apart. Once Mercedes's mall tour ended, she, as well as Brittany and Santana, all went back to living their lives in New York. I went back to the loft, only to find out that Kurt and Blaine broke up while we were gone.

Blaine then moved back to Lima to coach the Warblers after getting kicked out of NYADA. Rachel ended up moving to L.A. to film her new show and it didn't end up doing so well. When her show flopped, she went into hiding cutting all contact with everyone, including me.

And as for Quinn, well, we didn't work out, but that'll be a story for later.

Due to all of this, I decided to move back to Lima a few months early since the breakup was taking a toll on my mental health. Luckily, Sam decided to come with me too.

Of course, he talked to Bella about this and she was okay with having a long-distance relationship.

He ended up applying for a job as an assistant coach at McKinley and he gladly got the job. Now he's currently been staying at my house since we realized how much money we would be saving if we just used one car.

I fixed my hair in the car mirror as Sam pulled up to a parking spot, "I'm still not used to this red hair."

"I feel the same way about my hair," Sam admits, "I went from bleach blonde to chocolate brown."

We both then make our way to the teacher's lounge, which is so weird to say considering how it hasn't even been that long since we've been students here.

Sam took a seat at one of the tables while I went over to make myself a coffee. As he starts talking about the football team, I bring the mug up to my lips for a taste.

"This tastes disgusting." I cringe as throw out the coffee I just made, "I can't believe the coffee in New York is so much better than this."

Sam laughs, "I told you we should've stopped at the Lima Bean."

"We were already running late."

He playfully rolls his eyes, "That's your fault for not wanting to wake up."

I scoff, "Don't you have a health class to teach?"

"Someone's in a crappy mood." He comments as he stands up, "I guess I'll see you later."

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