2x08 - Furt

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IT WAS A NEW WEEK and I was sitting in my English class packing up my things getting ready to leave

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IT WAS A NEW WEEK and I was sitting in my English class packing up my things getting ready to leave.

The bell rings and everyone gets up to leave. As I'm heading towards the door my teacher stopped me.

"Sofia, I'm going to need you to help me with something." She mentions.

"And what will that be?" I ask.

"I need you to help tutor a student. His name is Sam Evans." She answers and my eyes widen.

"Wait, but why me? There are other students to pick to tutor him, even you can." I remind her.

"I already have to tutor 10 students. I don't have any more time to tutor other students," she tells me and I sigh, "and you're one of my top students in this class. Actually, you're my only top student."

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I don't have enough time. With being on the Cheerios and in the glee club, I barely have any time to study." I tell her.

"Fine, how about I pass you for the rest of the semester and if I see him improving then I pass you for the rest of the year." She suggests.

"You have yourself a deal." I say and she smiles.


It was the next day and I was heading over to the library to go tutor Sam.

I finally arrived and I saw him sitting at one of the tables with his notebooks. I then go to take a seat in front of him and he looks at me confused.

"Uh, hey Sofia. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm your new tutor. Didn't your teacher tell you?" I mention.

He shakes his head no, "She just told me that I got a new tutor and she was going to meet me here."

I take a seat and take out my notes and textbook. "So, what are you struggling with?" I ask.

"Uh...everything actually." He mumbles, "I'm dyslexic,"

"Oh." I say mumble, "aren't you supposed to have a special tutor for that?" I ask.

"Yeah, I do actually. I see her once a week so that's why I guess I have you." He mentions.

"Okay, then. We should get to work." I say and he nods.

"Wait, one more thing. You have really pretty eyes, they remind me of the ocean." He comments and I look at him confused.

"Thanks..." I mumble as he gets out his textbook.

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