36; Tension

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I knocked gently on her door and waited for a response.

"Come in" I heard her feminine voice and I creaked the door open.

I walked further into the massive room that scremed royalty. Her queen sized bed seated in its position with her vanity table on the other side.

"Mum hello" I said and sat next to her crossed leg.

"Look who's here. When was the last time you stepped into my room?" She asked, removing her reading glasses which sat perfectly on the bridge of her pointy nose.

"I'm here to talk. Do you mind?"

"Not at all"

I sighed and rested my throbbing head on her lap. I missed the feeling.

"It's about I and Muhammad" I murmured and she immediately froze and turned her head slightly then looked at me and nodded.

"Marriage?" She asked and my heartbeat completely stopped. My feet became cold and my brain stopped processing. I didn't know it would be this difficult to confront my mother about Marriage.

I breathed out air that I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Apparently" that was the only word that escaped my mouth.

She immediately slapped my hand and asked me to sit up.

"Have you two discussed?" She asked curiously and I nodded.

"Are you sure?" I looked at her with a brow raised and she just chuckled lightly.

"I think we should call your dad. Lord! That mam has to come back home right away" she said, picking up her phone.


It was a Friday morning. The birds were singing and wind blew through the beautiful blooming flowers. It had a flurry of scented breeze and at that moment, it was the only thing that was keeping me calm. The weather was seemingly friendly but I felt uneasy.

Dad was coming home today, probably anytime soon. Mum had called him and told him to come back right away.

"There's an emergency. Book a flight to Nigeria right now. No excuses" she had said and hung up.

I sat up on my bed and held my face in my now sweaty palms. Oh ya Rabb! Make this easy for me.

I walked into the bathroom and did my daily routine. I decided to bath early today just to relief some stress I felt at the moment.

As water gushed down form the shower, I couldn't help but wonder if Dad will reject Muhammad bluntly and say that he wasn't right for me.

I was too indulged in my own thoughts and didn't even realise how hot the water was. I quickly turned off the shower and stepped out.

I dressed myself in an Ankara gown. One of my favourites that I felt really comfortable in and headed downstairs.

In the living room, I heard a car drive into the compound and I immediately peeped outside through the window. It was Dad's car.

Oh shit!

I literally froze on the spot with wide eyes. I don't even know why I'm feeling tense but I just have a strong feeling things aren't going to turn out well.

"What's the emergency?!" A voice thundered after banging the door open.

The person looked at me and I smiled.
I walked up to him and he embraced me in a hug then patted my back.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine"

"Where's your mother?"


"I'm here" Mum chimed in and I swiftly turned around.

"You came pretty early. How was the journey?" She asked smiling and he just looked at her blankly.

"What's the emergency?" He asked and I could trace fear in his voice.

"Oh dear! There's no emergency. But at least I called you back to discuss something serious"

"So I was worried throughout my flight for nothing. You're so brutal Wallah. What's that something though?"

"We will discuss after breakfast. Go and freshen up" she told him and collected his luggage. He walked right past her and used the elevator that led to his room.

He's the only one that uses it because of how stressful going up the stairs is for him.


Breakfast was quiet. So quiet that the silence was so loud. Farida was absent explaining the defeaning silence.

Dad acted so rude to her that she just walked out of the dining area, not bothering to pick up her food.

She kept on ranting non-stop and my dad isn't the type that likes noise.

"Please shut up your stinking mouth and if you can't then get out of this place" She looked at him and scoffed then stood up and walked out of the dining area.

I pitied her but the uneasiness I was feeling wasn't up to the level of pity I felt for her at the moment.

"Aisha. You and your mother should meet me in my study since the discussion is about you" Dad said after eating all his food. I hummed while Mum nodded then he left.


I knocked on the door after so many minutes of standing outside and waiting for myself to just dissappear.

I walked inside and stood, breathed in and out then walked further and sat down on the empty space next to Mum. I guess they were both having a discussion because they had smiles plastered on their faces.

"Talk mana! I'm not the one who wants to get married" Mum snapped after minutes of silence. I looked at her and pleaded just with my eyes. She hissed before clearing her throat.

"Our daughter here has a boyfriend" she said and looked at him, expecting him to understand what the discussion is going to be about.

"And they want to get married. Don't tell me it's that boy who brought her to the hospital when she fell into a coma" He said and we looked at each other before I nodded.

I closed my eyes and listened to my heartbeat which was extremely loud. All I wanted at that moment was a positive answer and not a negative one that will make me break down.

"No!" I heard his manly voice and my eyes were still closed. My head was still trying to process just that one word he had said.

"What do you mean?" I heard Mum's voice ask.

"She isn't going to marry him. I have no one in my mind at this moment but they're so many other guys in this world. Why him?" I heard him retort and I flickered my eyes that tears were threatening to spill from them.

I looked at him and he sent me an apologetic look. I sighed and walked out of the room. The last voice I heard was of Mama telling me to wake up.


Oya..what are you thinking? 😂Comment! 

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