18; Romeo and Juliet

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I sat in the garden and looked up at the blue sky. There wasn't any cloud, just a blue sky and just then, Juwairiyya sat next to me.

"My life was like this when you fell into a coma" she said and I still stared.

"Fatima is in Switzerland" I turned and looked at her.


"She was admitted into a University. She moved back five months ago" I hummed and asked "Ikram?"

"She's well. Her wedding preparations have begun, same here"

"With Haydar?" She nodded and I smiled. I was happy for her. She will finally settle and stop dating different guys.

"You looked shocked in there with the way Sameera acted. I wasn't. I never even liked her. She changed alot since you fell into that coma. Don't think it's because she missed you, infact it's because Muhammad was always around to see you. He never lived a day without coming. Never. And I think she grew jealous. I once saw with a knife, entering your room and I had to stop her. She said she had just finished using it and forgot to drop it. I obviously didn't believe and from that day, I watched her closely"

"She's also close friends with that fool. Sadiq. She would skip lectures and dress inappropriately. She would light cigarettes in front of Lecturers and when they spoke to her she would laugh and throw nasty words at them. She even lighted Mr. Richards office once just because he sent her out of the hall. Mama tried several times to talk to her but she obviously wouldn't listen. Days when I slept over hoping you would wake up, I will hear Mama crying at night in the veranda upstairs. She would mutter things to herself like 'What has happened to my daughter?' Or 'Oh Allah please guide my daughter' and so many other things. She grew long and feathery wings like serious. And she's joined the bad girls gang in Nile. She doesn't even speak to Ikram and I. Not like I want her to" she murmured the last part to herself but nevertheless, I heard it.

I didn't know what to say. Why was Sameera jealous of me though? Why me?

I turned to look at Juwairiyya and she was staring at me.

"You must not say anything. Besides, Jazzy is engaged. There was some girl who joined months ago and he started dating her like weeks after. And Muhammad, I think you should give him a chance. I think he likes you. I've noticed how he stares at you everyday. He brings chocolates and bouquet of flowers. He sits and read your favourite novels. Especially Romeo and Juliet. He would spend hours talking to you, sometimes I wondered if he was mad or something. But no, it was his feelings for you. I've seen him crying twice. He sat on the floor next to you and cried into your sheets. So unfortunate"

"I've just recovered. You don't expect me to start dating some guy I even despise" I said and just then, I saw a figure by the window in Sameera's room. We were right under her room and anyone could hear us from where the figure stood. My heart skipped and the figure disappeared immediately.

Juwairiyya hummed and stood up.

"I'll be leaving. These days have been hectic. I can't wait for this wedding stuffs to be over" She said and chuckled. I also chuckled at how she pouted.


I walked back inside the house and saw Muhammad with the guys. I walked up to where Mum was seated and asked "Have you seen my phone?"

"I haven't. Since that incident happened. Your father sent money though, to get you a new one?"

"Did he come back on that day?" She nodded and told me he travelled to Dubai three weeks ago. When I was about to leave, I bumped into Muhammad. He held me by my waist and our eyes were locked into each other's for some seconds before he let go of me.

"Come with me" He said and started heading to the door. I didn't want to follow at first but I did at last. He took me to where he parked his car and brought out a a box wrapped with a gift wrap.

"Take it" He handed it to me and I refused. He dragged my hand and dropped it on top.

"I'm leaving, I'll stop by tomorrow by 10am, get ready" he didn't wait for my response and entered his car.

Romeo and Juliet 🤧

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